Missing monospaced font
We need absolutely a monospaced font for task descriptions.
Die von Ihnen gesuchte Seite ist nicht in übersetzter Form vorhanden, wir verfügen jedoch über andere Inhalte in deutscher Sprache und bieten deutschsprachigen Support an.
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We need absolutely a monospaced font for task descriptions.
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Hi Mirko Tebaldi, welcome to the Community! Thank you for creating this post. May I kindly ask you to elaborate a bit on your request so we can better understand your use case?
Looking forward to your reply!
Also, I'd like to mention that you can check our New to Community forum to discover all the resources you can find in our Community 🙂
We use wrike also to document tasks and steps.
very often, almost 90% of times, we need to copy/paste code.
We don't need syntaxc highlighting, but a simple monospace fond like a courier will be very usefull !
Thank you for clarifying Mirko Tebaldi, we'll now pass your feedback to our Product team 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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