Account Admin Space access
As an account admin, why can't I see all the spaces in the account? I don't need access to them, but it would be nice to see all the spaces and if they are in use without having to join the space. This could be a dashboard option, or in a report that shows the space owner and other stats like last accessed, or # of projects/tasks.
We ended up limiting the account so only the Account Owner (me) can Create Spaces. This is one of the reasons why. If we are to oversee all the Custom Fields in our account it's not helpful to see custom fields with "space not shared with you". If someone created a Space and then put Custom Fields in that Space and then deleted the Space the Custom Fields continued to sit in our account. Now I strategically manage the Spaces needed by the organization.
Meredith Selden I have thought about doing that, and might end up going that way. I hadn't thought about the custom field issue, thanks for sharing.