Custom Branded "Look and Feel" Themes - possibility to give access to do this?

I know Wrike is working on improvements for Dark/Light mode, and I have previously asked about a Pride Theme which I would still love to see at some point...  but would be really great if Wrike provided us with a way to customise what our users see more than just a brand logo.

The ability to make our own Theme and give it a bit more of our brand's "look and feel" would be fantastic. Nothing fancy needed, just something simple like ability to swap out existing background colour/pattern options with a brand-related pattern, or one of our specific brand colours. Given whatever necessary parameters to work within, our design department could easily create the right kind of files needed to make this happen, if Wrike would open this door for us 😉

Thanks and look forward to seeing what new things the Themes team is coming up with!

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Thank you for bringing this up Angela Kennewell, I'll make sure to pass this suggestion to the team 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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