API for reporting


  I'm working on wrike API lately . But I didn't see any API , that provide the information like the excel export from interface. 

 have these needs  : 

1.  A Table/Folder export, pull using API 

In that excel export, there are list of folders, include information for : 

  • Folder title
  • Assigned to
  • Time spent (total time logs per task)
  • And custom fields.

How Do I achieve that ?

What I do right now is : 

 - Get folder list inside a folder ( https://developers.wrike.com/documentation/api/methods/get-folder-tree )

 - Then looping for each folder to get the custom fields of the folders. 

 - Inside the looping , also get task list per folder (I also notice that when I pull all task in a folder, it is limited to 1000 records, is it true ? There is no paging parameter ?)

The information that I can not get from this methods are : 

- user name of the task assigned to

- time spent per task

And the disadvantage using looping like this, if the folders are too many, it could error something like : 'maximum request exceeded' 

 Can I got those information in 1 request ? The folder name / folder tree name, user name, task title, custom fields id and title, hours spent , etc... .


2. A timelog export, pull by API

In that excel export, there are :

- Folder name / Folder tree name

- Task title 

- user name

But in the API for timelogs , in the response , there is no information for that. Only 'user id', 'task id', 'hours'. 

And to get user name, task title, folder title (folder tree name), how do we get them ? If we need to get them by id, It will error 'maximum request exceeded'.

Can I got those information in 1 request ? The folder name / folder tree name, user name, task title, custom fields id and title, hours spent , etc... .






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1 Kommentar
Pavel M

Hi Dedy, thanks for your question. I am afraid that it is not possible to combine everything in one request and the limits are also applied to prevent API from overheat. You'd have to combine the results of different queries into a bigger 'database'. Please note that the call limits of 100 requests per minute are applied, so you also have to optimize the amounts of queries (by best practice it should be enough to have 1-2 sec interval between each of your requests to make sure they pass continuously). 

As for the limits on 1000 tasks per page, it is possible to switch pages for your output, please consider this tutorial

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