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6 Kommentare
Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Michael, welcome to the forums :) I would love to hear where you normally create tasks from, maybe the List View? Only asking because if you use the green "+" icon to create tasks you'll have fast access to edit other task attributes (like assignee and due date), but it's not the same on the List View. 

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Stephanie, Yes it is list view. Regardless if I use the green + or the + New task at the top of list view is shows me a single box at the top of list view. I see what you are saying about the "bigger" task creation form if I am in board view or some of the other views.

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Stephanie Westbrook

That helps a lot Michael, thank you. Yes, you'll get a task overlay window with more editing options if you're somewhere other than the Board View. We'll share this feedback with our Product team :)

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One more comment from me. Today I send following feature request to support:


I would like to be able do add task parameters while typing the task name.
E.g.: Wnen I type: Call ABC Compane @Marcin Kwiecinski #today #15 minutes #star - it would add the task to me (Marcin Kwiecinski), set start/end date for today and set duration to 15 minutes and marked the task as starred

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This would indeed be great. Especially the advanced recurring features such as "Every second Monday" f.i.

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I think per @Michael that a smaller, but full, task creation window would be very useful.  The "big" overlay is too big, it's useful to be able to see what's behind the tasks when creating.  You guys can take a queue from Asana or Clickup here as they have some nice minimalized task creation windows in addition to the standard ones.

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