Any Java samples to use Wrike API?


I would like to write a Java app to connect to Wrike and modify Task titles.

Is there any sample code for Java? I really need some starting point.

Any pointers would be appreciated.




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4 Kommentare
Pavel M

Hi onTy, we have a Node JS sample in this post. I can see that you have already found it - just leaving the info here for others. 

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Hello Pavel, thanks for your reply. I did run the Node example, and it ran fine. Unfortunately, I am not very skilled in NodeJS development. I do Java and C#. I would greatly appreciate some sample code using Java.

I did find someone's code on Github: 

With a bit of tweaking, I got it to list Tasks for me.

The goal of my integration effort is to modify Tasks and add unique IDs to each task's title.  So now I need to code up task modification routines.

IMHO, having an official Java example from Wrike would speak very positively about Wrike's commitment to the API and integration efforts. Of course, ideally, you should release an entire SDK in all major languages. That would simplify your clients' life tremendously, but it would also bring maintenance and support overhead on your end. So I understand why it has not been done (yet?).

In any case, thanks for an awesome system. I hope that there will be more official samples and maybe an SDK one day.

Best regards,


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Pavel M

Hi onTy! Thank you for your comment, I am glad you have found another source! I totally agree that Wrike would need a set of SDK's - we are thinking about it, however it is not planned yet by the Product team.

At this very moment our Community members like you could be the best source of the API practices and examples. I would welcome you to share something from your own 'build-a-Wrike-app' experience - maybe even the piece of code from Git or some best practices from Java and C# in connection to Wrike.

In any case, appreciate your participation here and the fact that you use Wrike :)

Btw, we run a Feedback section on Community, there everyone can vote for the new features/improvements.You may create a post there, to be the first one asking for the SDK's and code samples.


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I'm trying to develop an easy to use API Client with C# on github, maybe it might be useful for other C# developers.

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