Audio messages
Just like in WhatsApp, Telegram, etc, being able to send audio messages (by holding a 'speak' button and letting go when I've finished and the resulting audio can be played by others with 1 click + you can seek through it) would be incredibly useful. It's something used especially by younger teams like ours where we don't always want to type everything. It's also invaluable for groups working with sound/ music - sharing audio and samples with each other. It's about 5 times quicker (and much easier too) to speak compared to typing. And listening can be done in the background while writing responses while you're listening, or you could be listening through headphones to a long reflection or briefing while free to move your eyes/ body/ doing something else!
Hi Luke, thank you for sharing this suggestion! While this functionality isn't on our current roadmap, it's definitely an interesting idea, and the details about your use case are great :)
Fine can we have any alternative for this now, any integration that can solve this issue
@Abdul Hello! I can't think of any potential workarounds for this scenario at the moment but would love to hear from others if they've found a way to achieve what you're looking for. If I do have any updates (or workaround ideas) I'll make sure to update this thread.
We have been using wrike for a while a definitely we see audio integration as a super improvement for some task, for example in our team we must let a review of day planning at the beginning and at the end of the day, and this task doesn't have to consume more than five minutes each. So is a plus having the option to let a message by voice instead by typing. Thank you so much.