Bulk Moving Project Tasks / Timeline

Problem Statement

Current bulk milestone shifting (pressing Shift + moving milestone) functionality is not sufficient as it moves the FULL project timeline (tasks PRIOR to and POST the milestone) forward or backward. So, a user that wants tasks PRE the milestone to stay in place cannot do this, resulting in a lot of manual rework in the project plan of moving all task groups that have been connected with milestones by hand.

Proposed Function & Use Cases

1) If a Milestone is moved by itself, or a milestone/s are affected by a task move due to a dependency chain, then a modal should open to prompt for below action options:

1.1) Move the project plan POST the milestone only? (this would keep in place all tasks/milestone PRE the moved milestone, currently Wrike does not do this. In a project you must have the ability to do this to  keep in place what has been done to know when items where delivered) 

1.2)  Move the FULL project plan? (this would move the full project plan PRE & POST the milestone, like the current function)

1.3)  Move Milestone Only (this moves the milestone to show the orange highlight conflict paths as a result of moving the milestone)

Other Background

- this is critical functionality for detailed project plans with many moving parts 

What do you think? - this took less than a 10 min write up/thought, Im sure you can suggest adjustments to above or suggestions (other than manual movement of task groups) of how you currently mass move project plans with various milestones. Nonetheless, a critical functionality especially for large project plans with many dependencies. 




Upvote 11
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7 Kommentare
Stephanie Westbrook

Hi @Imran, I love you you formatted and wrote out this request! Thanks for adding this, if we see any similar ideas we'll try to direct people here to centralize requests. 

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@Stephanie, thank you - hoping something like this pops up soon.

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hoped to get more up-votes for this task! 

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Hi Imran, it's a good idea regardless of the votes! 

We'll make sure to direct other users here if they post elsewhere about something similar 🙌

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Desperately needing this function, too! 

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For some reason this functionality isn't working for me at all anymore.  I used to be able to hit Shift + move the milestone, and it would move all tasks, and now nothing moves?

This box comes up that says "Apply the rules of alignment to the affected tasks" and even when I click "apply," nothing happens...


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Hi Caroline Erickson, sorry it took so long to reply! Could you please let me know if you still can't move tasks, or align their dates - I'll be happy to raise a support ticket for you if needed! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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