Projects Kickoff from Form with options

Hi everyone,
I have a very structured blueprint that includes all possible activities for a project.
By this I mean that there are activities that are always there, activities that are optional and pieces of blueprint that are to be activated based on the type of work sold.

I'll give you an example:

---- TASK A1
---- TASK A2
---- TASK B

FOLDER 2A and FOLDER 2B are exclusive, so either one activates or the other.

The FOLDER 4 is totally optional, it is activated only if I have sold a specific product.

The same goes for the tasks contained in FOLDER 5, TASK A1 and A2 are exclusive, therefore the first or second is activated, TASK C is optional only if I have sold a specific product.

Now I would like to create a form that can act as a kickoff of the project, indicating with some questions (select or checkbox) which folders of the blueprint to activate and which ones not to activate.

I've gotten to a good point, however I have no way of specifying which items I want in the blueprint and which I don't.

How can you get the result?

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Pietro Poli - I have a similar project I'm building. I solved this problem with separate blueprints for the subtasks. The request form makes the entire project with only the required stuff included in the initial blueprint. Then all the optional requirements come in through other questions and separate blueprints. This question (which isn't finished) will have 10 distinct blueprints, and they're added when the box is checked. Like this: 

The "add subproject" action can add a folder to a project. So the above picture works for Folders 1 through 4.

Folder 5 might need a blueprint for each variation (which is annoying and redundant), but to reduce the repetition the common tasks can live in each variation and then only the unique tasks are different in each of the blueprints. Here's an example of a folder where Example 1 would be common to both. 

Does that work?

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Thanks Mike Fank

your solution is good for folders, can you also add predecessor e successor between different projects?

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Pietro Poli - I'm glad you're asking these questions, because it's pushing me to keep building this project. I've been pushing it off for a while because there have been some more urgent tasks. It's good to finally get some forward progress made. 

Yes - you can add dependencies between different projects. What I did to get this to work was to have a top-level folder to hold all the different options. I have 2 different styles of projects that can be initiated from this form (highlighted in yellow). The Green highlight is the common step for both projects. The pink highlight is the dependency between the tasks that will be selected. 

Full disclosure, I'm still building this, so I'm not sure how this will all work out, and I have some bugs to work out still. Like I have a question on the form,  where the user selects which of the 10 options are required. I'm not sure how to get these tasks to be created in my phase 3 folder. Right now they're created but I have to move them to where they belong. I can't find a way around this because I don't want to have 1,023 folders with all the different combinations. 

But, below I've added dependencies for multiple versions of my phase 3 folder. The only ones that carry into the actual project are what is selected by the user. 

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Pietro Poli,

You might already have your answer from Mike, but one more idea you could explore:

If your blueprint can be contained in a folder, you can have project level blueprint(s) and then task blueprints that live outside the project blueprint, but in the folder (or a separate task blueprint entirely could possibly work). Then if a choice is selected, use "Add Subtask" in the request form. We do this with our New Wrike user training form. If a specific department is selected, they get an additional task that the rest of the users don't get in their training project. 

Figured I would give you one more way of thinking about things! 

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Thanks Mike Fank, you've centered the point.
The big difficult is to create too much different versions and group them into different folders, it can be not much easy to read. I'll try your solution.


Also thank you Devree Czupinski can you share some screen of your BP and form?

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Pietro Poli - Did you find a good solution to your project? I'm running into some similar roadblocks implementing what I've been working on. I was wondering if you had some time to discuss what worked for you. Thanks!

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Hi Mike Fank,
not yet. I'll implement it in next two weeks.
I'll send you an update as soon I finished.

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Pietro Poli - my suggestion of linking dependencies doesn't work. After creating all the dependencies in the blueprint, they don't carry over to the project. Below are a couple of screenshots of my blueprint and project. 

The CNC APQP BP Folder is the whole folder with all the possible actions. The CNC APQP folder is the actual blueprint that starts the project. At the top, there are a series of Intro tasks that may or may not be in the project based on answers to different questions in the request form. The dependencies between the Intro tasks and the Phase 1 tasks don't stay after the request form is submitted. Same problem with the Phase 1 and Phase 2 tasks. Phase 1 is added based on a question in the request form. 



I think this has to do with how Wrike creates the project. It creates the project from the template, and then when I'm adding individual tasks or subprojects, Wrike doesn't know how they should link within the already created project. I'm sure Wrike could maintain dependencies if I could remove tasks from the template instead of adding them, but that would be a new feature request, which could take a while. I'm wondering what workarounds you might have found.

Devree Czupinski and Sherrie Besecker- I'm tagging you guys as well hoping you have some more good ideas 😀 

Blueprints for all the different options would be chaotic. 

Another struggle is to add tasks to a specific folder. I started this project with an INTRO folder, but when adding subtasks, they get dropped into the top project, not into any specific folder. Manually moving stuff would be unsustainable as we grow. 

I'm all ears for any suggestions to make this easier. Thanks!

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Thanks Mike Fank... I hope that Devree and Sherrie can help us.
I tag also two of my favourite Wrike expert Aybüke Novosad and Claudio Mennecozzi to help us.

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Hi Pietro Poli and Mike Fank

Sorry I was delayed in responding to your earlier message! 

The idea that I think might help you is to 1) set up the base project as a blueprint (and maybe within a folder so these don't get lost). 2) set up any "optional" tasks that might get added based on selections in a request form as separate from the project. If they are a task with subtasks, this works or just separate tasks work as well! 3) Add subtask to the appropriate request form questions/options and pick the task(s) you want to add to the base project being created. I have some screenshots below. Hopefully that helps!


Request form with branching logic (in this case a list of departments and when one is selected, the task is added):


I just tried this yesterday with another form that was adding a task that had several subtasks under it, and when you added the task, the subtasks came with when the request form kicked off a new project!



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Hi Devree Czupinski, thank for your reply.

You can mantain dependecies with optional tasks added by selection of the form?

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