Maintenance & Release Updates: Improvements needed around Change Management
Wrike Maintenance:
There needs to be some improvements made around Change Management at Wrike. Please embed a link in the maintenance push notifications that will direct users to a detail page. We need to know what is happening during the maintenance periods when Wrike informs us that the system will be down. We need details around that so we can do basic troubleshooting if we see issues after the maintenance window is completed. The page should include at minimum, planned start, planned end, actual end, what is impacted and what was the outcome. Similar to how you update us with System Outages.
Release Notes:
Please consider adding a filter feature to the weekly release notes page so we can view releases by the product area that has been impacted (e.g. UI/LightSpeed, Security, Reporting/Analytics, Dashboards, Calendars, Account Level, Space Level, Work Item Views, etc, etc). There is a LOT of changes happening in Wrike, especially around LightSpeed. We have internal support documents that we have to update every time. We need a better way to filter through your release updates so we can notify our users. The way you are displaying them now is not ideal. We need the filters.
Thank you!
Hi Michael Kelley, thank you very much for sharing this interesting feedback with us! I've passed it on to our Team 👍
Hello again Michael Kelley, it seems that I forgot to mention that you can also check our monthly digest What's New in Wrike, where topics are divided into clickable links. For instance, if you check our What's New in Wrike - May digest, you will see a list with updates and each line starts with the name of the relevant feature (e.g.: New table view - Mass actions), as you can shown below:

I hope this option can make it easier for your team to find updates on different topics 👍
Hi Juan, when Wrike performed the last maintenance on May 27th, what was included in those changes? Were the above the changes released on that date? Were any other changes made?
Thank you 👍
Hi Michael Kelley, I've opened a ticket with our Support Team so they can assist you with your question, they will reach out to you very soon 👍
Hi Juan,
I appreciate the reply last month. Today's push of the custom field layout for LightSpeed without any notification of the change to users (that I can see) is another example of why we need improved communication on updates coming from the development team. We understand that LightSpeed is still considered Beta at the moment, however it is due to be pushed live in August. Wrike needs a code freeze and there needs to be a communication plan so we are not just logging in on a Monday and seeing major changes in the UI.
Thanks again,