Report View(s)
How about a pie chart view in addition to the bar chart and list view?
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How about a pie chart view in addition to the bar chart and list view?
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Hi Andrew, good idea thanks for sharing. Is there any particular data you'd like to see in this format? Any examples here will help other members and our Product Team understand how this feature might be used. Looking forward to your reply!
Any data should work: Tag's would be a good place to start. Custom field would be good too. Status might work as well though this might just be another task digest view of sorts.
Hi Andrew, thanks for this further input. As above it really helps with the internal conversations around this feature. If I have any concrete updates on this I'll be sure to post back here 👍
Not sure if updating an old post is appropriate, but i'd like to echo this.
I'm using Wrike for both project plans and action item logs / issue logs. I'd like to see a pie chart on status so I could see what the # in completed vs open vs whatever, in an easily visually consumable format. I have 2 different statuses in Open (Open, In Progress), and 2 in Closed (Pending Closure, Closed), so it would be good for it to pick up on that.
@Vivek Hey, wanted to mention the Analytics View, will that work for you?
Please let me know 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks but no. I need a pie chart with open vs closed, and ideally open vs my two custom completed statuses (pending closure, closed).
We'll have to manually create this.
Vivek, how do you set up your action item, issues log and risk log in Wrike? I personally would also like to visually show the colours for RAG
Is there a way to subscribe the analytics view that includes the pie charts, bar graphs, and pivot tables that I have created in the analytics tool? I need to send an email with the updated view of the analytic view to leadership weekly.
Hi Sara Dickens, welcome to the Community, and thank you for posting! Currently, it's not possible to subscribe to Analytics Reports to send, I'm passing on your feedback to our Product team👍🏼