Show full Custom Fields text in Task View


We are using text custom fields to store sentences and not only words.

When going to task view, the text is cut and only few words are shown.

I know that I can see the full size of the text when clicking on it, but we will be very interested in seeing the full text without clicking anywhere. We use several custom text fields and we cannot see them all at the same time.

Currently, custom fields can be hidden and shown by clicking on 'N fields' text.

Will it be possible to add a 3rd option so the custom fields can be seen in all its extension ?

Option 1 --> Don't show custom fields

Option 2 --> Show custom fields as now

Option 3 --> Show full custom fields content (even if several lines of text are needed)

Thank you

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Hi again,

Another option will be to add the "Text Wrap" option to the Task Table View as it currently exists in the Reports.

Like this, it will be possible to view and edit all the content for the custom fields (even it is a long sentence) in the table view

Thank you

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Hi Gerard, thanks for sharing your insight here! I can see how it would be useful to have text wrapping in Table View when you need to edit multiple Custom Fields at once. I'll definitely send your post to other users who are looking for similar enhancements.

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Thank you Anastasia. 

What does it mean ? What is the probability of being implemented  ?

We are currently considering Wrike forTasks and Project Management for the whole company, but it is a must to have it due to our workflow

Best regards

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Gerard, we're including this feedback to pass to our Product Managers, I'm asking to see if this is on the short-term roadmap and I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer. 

I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about your use case. Is there a particular reason you were using Custom Fields instead of the description field?

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Thank you Stephanie,

I will appreciate very much in knowing if this feature will be implemented and if it will be, in kowing when it is scheduled to be deployed.

In some project tasks we are using important fields that we do not want to be mixed with the description, but we want them to have different fields, in order to be correctly specified and categorized. These fields are: Containment Action, Root Cause and Corrective Action.

Waiting for your news

Best regards,

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Gerard, I'm so sorry for the delayed reply. I spoke with the Product Manger for this feature and they're interested in looking at the Task View (and how fields are displayed on it), but unfortunately, that's a bigger project and this isn't on the short-term roadmap so I don't have a date to share. 


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Hi Stephanie. Yes, quite a delayed reply :-)

My proposal had two parts.

What about the text wrapping in Table View as it currently exists in the Reports ? I don't think its a big project.

This is what Anastasia said in 

Hi Gerard, thanks for sharing your insight here! I can see how it would be useful to have text wrapping in Table View when you need to edit multiple Custom Fields at once. I'll definitely send your post to other users who are looking for similar enhancements.

Thank you

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I agree that custom field views should be changeable, especially in the Task View. I have a single custom field on a set of tasks, yet it only displays on a third of the width which is a pain when trying to work efficiently - what Wrike was created for!

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@Gerard, thank you for structuring your ideas! I don't have a timeframe to share at the moment, but our Product Team is looking into ways of improving both the Table View and Reporting experience, and the comments here definitely help us see which requests related to this experience are popular. We'll make sure to update this thread when we have news to share!

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Please fix this!!! We have a custom field with a value called "Active Analysis"....but it only displays "Active Anal".  This is a problem!

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Sounds like an interesting company to work for @Stephanie!

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Please add this feature. It is an absolute must for large teams that need an overview of task content without drilling down into each task.

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If custom fields could be displayed through widgets created in the task view description area this would:

  • make it easier to read the custom field data 
  • overcome the cell width issue
  • simplify the population of custom fields in the task view (as cells will be easier to spot if the user controls the layout) 
  • allow formatting of the custom field text
  • enable template task view layouts
  • allow custom field data collected through a request form to be visible in the description field as well as the custom field cell
  • possibly allow custom field data to be viewable in the ios app

Stuart A Change Consultant

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We need this feature on both Tasks and Projects. 

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Hi all, thanks for your input. We have no concrete updates to share here, once I do I'll be sure to share with you here. 
Please continue to add your valuable input and votes on this if it's a change you'd like to see, thank you!
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I agree that it would be very nice to be able to increase the cell width in a Project's List View.  We have several customizable fields that only display a portion of their information and it causes a lot of confusion.  I understand it is an easy solution to click on the drop down but the purpose of this view is to see everything at a quick glance.  Either allowing for longer fields or allowing text wrapping would be exceptionally helpful.

I hope you are able to make some changes for this soon.  Thank you!

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One of the Wrike Community Team Members asked, "Is there a particular reason for using Custom Fields instead of the task description?"

YES, we do a direct import of data from another system into the custom field we created. Obviously, we need this data to show in its entirety when a user accesses the task. An example is a field we labeled, "Expenditures". Additionally, the currency field designation doesn't even use commas to delineate the number. Really odd, and that's an easy program fix.

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I agree the custom Fields are very useful especially because I track not only the status of the task but also I gather information about it as the task progresses. This information is stored in custom columns so that it can be exported to an Excel sheet and be analysed, creating statistics for each task in a much larger project.

It is very important for Collaborators especially to be able to see the full content in those fields. Even if just being able to hover over the field and have a pop up display full text.

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I agree "Must Have Feature" - what's the use of allowing custom fields if a user can't see whats in the field?

Also, to screen print - the full data length of each custom field must be visible or it only prints 1/10 of the data in the custom field. (Useless)

We have several customizable fields that only display a portion of their information and it causes a lot of confusion and disrupts our work flow.

(Deal Breaker) We must be able to increase/define the cell width!

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I agree, custom fields that only have two words and are missing the second word are causing user confusion as they don't think to click to expand.

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...adding this feature to the "Task View" would deepen the appeal of "Wrike for Marketers".

My usage case: We have template tasks for each content type. In each template are the SOPs (standard operating procedures) to complete each task. To move the task through the workflow, my team has to fill out the "forms/template/checklist" inside each task's description. Having "custom fields" that display the full label and options, would greatly simplify this and allow us to transform the task's custom fields into usable creative briefs.

For instance, I could use a dropdown custom field to display all our audience segments. Then anyone looking at the task would see who this content is for. Right now, the custom fields are not useful for text because the label and the options truncate.

Another related request would provide a "URL" custom field type. This would give my team standardized place to link all relevant research, outlines, and permalinks of published assets, making each task (and Wrike) a "single source" of truth for all content assets. No need to search a bunch of places for stuff. Wrike could become our DAM (digital asset manager).

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please keep me updated on any progress made on these features.

-JustinZ (Director of Content)

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Fully agree here, using it for Project Updates that are described here:

Coda, based largely around a great db, auto-expands columns if the text is large enough, but you have the option to control that in settings.  I believe also allows this, as does of course Excel.  Would be great if you guys could also bring this into the fray.


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Here is the issue within the Table View. The dropdown list isn't large enough. So you just have to start type out and guess.

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Hey Justin Givens, welcome to the Community! 🙂

Thanks for sharing this, I'm passing your feedback on to the team now! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Can I please bump this thread for an update? Auto-expanding multi-line fields would be very useful in capturing technical notes related to a Task. We find ourselves having to append technical notes to the Description field, so it stays visible for the on-lookers.

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Hi Chirag Gandhi, thank you for bumping this thread and sharing your feedback! We'll be assigning a status here with an update from the Product team after the idea reaches 60+ votes, please find more information about how we work with Product Feedback here 😊

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