[Status: Backburner ⏳] Custom fields of a folder and being important should be attributed to tasks/issues in that folder

If I use a custom field for department (as an example) I should be able to set the department custom field of the folder to "department x" and all tasks should inherit that that are created in that folder.

If you have a folder/project for e.g. complaints or other important issues it would be great if it could be marked as important as you can do it with a task. As all new tasks in a folder would inherit the settings of its folder thus being important which helps in giving them special attention in the dahsboard etc.

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Hi Beat, thanks for sharing this! I agree that having an option which could be toggled on/off would be helpful for use cases like the one you described.

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The ability to have tasks inherit custom field data from the parent project would be very useful for our business. We process sales orders through requests. The requests use a project template to create a standard set of tasks for a team. The only thing that distinguishes these projects and tasks is the custom data input through the request process. If the custom field data was inherited then I could filter or sort tasks by customer, product type, required by date and so on. I understand that this would not be desirable for everyone in every circumstance, but it would certainly be good for us.

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Even if there was just some way to bulk edit tasks to have the same custom field as the project would help. This would help immensely with filtering and running reports.

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From my understanding a bulk edit does not even work when exporting and importing again. So a lot of manual work is necessary because of Wrike missing automation of custom fields.

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We've been having MAJOR issues with the custom fields not automatically being filled in with standard data from the parent folder/project/task (ex: first/last names, address, home value, home sqft). It's SUCH a hassle to have to go into a table view and copy and paste all the details from the initial entry. Even when using the request forms, there's not an option to use a previously filled in or existing entry. 😭

Julia Marantidi Home Automation Executive Account Manager & System Engineer

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I think, i was in the same case of Julia. I would like to keep from a request form the value and automaticaly duplicate for all entry of the model (Project, folder, task, ...)

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This would be extremely useful for us. We have a client field that we set at the project level, and want to use for billing, but we cannot easily use it to group items in task-level reports. It's impractical for us to set the client for each task in a project, due to the volume of our work. I can also see other uses for this feature for us.

Is there another thread where I can support a feature to have custom field values at the task level roll up to the project level? E.g. if we have an expenses field that we set at the task level, we'd like to be able to calculate it not just for those tasks' parent folder, but for the folder or project above, and so on, so we can total this kind of thing at various levels.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Rosalind Hi! In Paul's post he asks for more calculation methods, which might be helpful. I think that might work, if you want to add a comment with the details from your second paragraph here?

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I am in the same case of @Rosalind, in this example, i would like to have the same value "UAP 3" (which came from request form) in all cells (Folder, task, subtask, ...)

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@stephanie I think you may have misunderstood my comment -- it wasn't about doing custom calculations. I just want aggregate fields to continue aggregating upwards in the project/folder structure, rather than only being aggregated for their parent folder.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Rosalind makes sense! If you could add a comment to that thread it would still help the team keep this request in mind as they think about aggregation. 

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This would be a very useful feature, and even MORE useful if custom fields could be incorporated into Timelog Reports.  We currently don't have a good way to report on time entries grouped by client, since we create many sub folders underneath each client folder to represent the different projects and phases within that project.  We need a way to be able to identify a specific task and associated time entry as belonging to a particular client so we can bill/invoice accordingly.

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I would just like to make certain custom fields mandatory and automatically added/applied to any folder, project and/or tasks.  The process is very inefficient to have each user add/apply to their template; and folders.

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I would also like to see custom field permeating through out the entire folder.  The goal is to make it easier for the user to utilize the tools and not be focusing on the administrative side.

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Here some more examples how it would be useful

E.g. if I have a folder for a customer having a custom field

ABC-Status = A

I would like to inherit the content of the custom field to all folders and tasks so that e.g. in every view we can see tasks coming from an A-client.


E.g. if I have a folder for each customer with the

customer number

I would like to inherit the customer number to subfolders and tasks so that e.g. when I export something or list something I can see the customer number next to Wrike folder or taks.


This would help in many such cases.


From what I see it would be enough to define for the content of a custom field to be inherited by folders below. This custom field would not need to be changed in folders/task below so it would show the value coming from the level above but could not be changed. This should make the implementation of this feature easier than if the content of this field can be changed on each level but main thing would be to get something like this however it works...

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This functionality would be a game changer....

We need the custom field data of a Project to show up in the Task's custom field. Not having this function has created quite a road block and delayed our implementation of Wrike.

We are trying to use Request Forms to create new projects (from templates). The Sales Team inputs all of the new customer's project information into the form. The project information questions are mapped to the new project's custom fields.

Our project template has a series of tasks for each department. The project's custom fields contain the information needed for each department to accomplish their task.

Hopefully that all makes sense. Anyway, I am voicing our need for custom field inheritance.


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Hi, Do we have any updates on this?

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We also have a great need to be able to determine if the data from a project custom field should roll down into the task(s) or not. Please add this capability!

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I would really value this feature. Any updates?

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Hi everyone! Please check out this similar thread https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360018897394-Cascade-Custom-Field-Value-from-Folders-Projects-to-Sub-Projects-Folders-Tasks. It already has a status from the Product team, and I'll be updating it soon 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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If you have access to Wrike Integrate (paid add-on), it's possible to automatically copy the value from a project-level custom field (i.e., Client) to all new tasks created within that project.

I posted an example community recipe at https://www.workato.com/recipes/1102960, with a fuller explanation in the Best Practices section at https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360039414333.

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Hey everyone, as this post has over 60 upvotes, the Product team will be providing this thread with a status. As soon as I have an update for you, I'll let you know 😊

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Hey everyone, a quick update; the Product team are researching the feasibility of this suggestion. As soon as I have another update for you, I'll let you know!

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We would also find this feature useful. I'd like to be able to add users to the custom fields "project manager," "project owner," and "project sponsor" at the project level, and have the same values show up at the task level so anyone working on a task knows immediately who to contact with questions or problems.

I also agree that it would be appropriate to have it toggle on and off, because there are other situations where we wouldn't want to bog down every task with project-level information.

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We also need the current custom field logic to expand: as of right now, our team members that have only access to subfolders do not even see the custom fields deployed in parent folders/projects.

Please add the option of custom field visibility to all subfolder team members asap to make wrike more efficient.

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Agree, this is a major problem / bug. Only users that have access to the root folder can see the custom field.


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Hey everyone, thank you for sharing your feedback here.

The Product team is continuing to research this suggestion. If there are any updates here, I'll be sure to let you know.

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Do you have linked data for custom field inheritance on your road map? We often use nested projects and tasks to organize projects and separate work for teams. Ideally, we would have the option to toggle an “inherit value from parent” switch for a given custom field if the parent has that same field.

Currently we can inherit fields, but the values can’t be linked. We have two choices, leave the values blank on the nested project/task and refer to the parent for data, or enter the value again.

  • Option 1: Copy data from the parent into duplicated inherited fields. If we enter the value again, it creates extra work and a probable point of data inconsistency. We started doing this initially, but quickly abandoned it for option 2 because, inevitably, someone would update a value in one place but not update it in all the other “inherited” projects/tasks. We want to be able to update field data in one place and have it propagate.
  • Option 2: Leave duplicated inherited fields blank. If we leave it blank it forces people to leave the current task to get relevant data. This causes some confusion and also causes issues if a task is assigned to someone that doesn’t have access to the entire project scope.

For example, we might be working on a course project. The customer information, course name, URL, semester info would be the same for every sub-project and task for that project. It would be nice to have easy access to that information w/o having to make duplicate copies of the data or having to navigate back up to the top-level project to get information.

The ability to set linked custom field values would be extremely helpful!

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Hello everyone, apologies for the late reply here!

The team continues to look into ways on how this could be achieved, but I don't currently have any updates in relation to this request.

We will let you know once we have news.

Thank you for your continuous feedback here! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi community team

76 votes and 3 months after the last feedbacks - any update here? :)


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