Desperately need to be bale to filter via text in the project title field for reports

Really need to be able to use text filters on the title or other fields in reports

We have very organised naming conventions that could help us filter certain reports.

Upvote 22
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Комментариев: 13

Hi Greg, thanks for posting this idea! I'm a big fan of keeping titles organized, and I can see how this would be useful. Just to make sure I got this idea right: you would like to include keywords (or run a search) in the Report builder, which would narrow down the list of available Projects to show only those with corresponding titles, is that correct?

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Yes that is correct, at the moment I can only use dates, status ETC not word filters

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Greg, thank you for clarifying, this is helpful!

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I would like to expand this to tasks as well.  Being able to create a report on a certain task would be a great benefit.  There are limitations when doing it in dashboards so being able to do it in reports provide more options and flexibility.


Our use case would be to create a report type: tasks, select our source data and then have the text filter to search for certain tasks.  This would allow us to see how our users are doing on this type of task.  Some quicker or some slower, etc.

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Hi guys, just to update you here. Reports are on the roadmap for review later this year and I've made the team aware of this request - I think it's a great idea. Thanks for your continued votes and use cases.

Right now it would be great to hear how you're managing to workaround this right now. This actually helps others, and it really helps our own product team understand the pain points. Thanks 👍

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I have no workaround... I am filtering tasks in a folder by a text string, export the filtered set, and I'm still struggling to set up a 'group by' von arious other custom fields in excell.


Cheers, Luca

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Another request for this reporting functionality! Any progress on roadmapping this? 

Thanks! John 

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I would like this as well. We have a bunch of templates we use, a few of which have a "08. Create Images" step. Rather than tagging this step to a new folder so I can build a dashboard to see a list of all the images we need to create for other projects (we use this for sprint planning), it would be great if I could have a dashboard where I "Include Tasks from X folders", but limited using text filers such as:

task text contains: "08. Create Images" or

task text is equal to "08. Create Images"


Please let us know when this is available. Often times when we have a problem, the only solution is to create a new folder and tag items to it. This results in less organization and A TON of necessary folders that don't serve any purpose outside of group information we need to track or report on. 


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Has this been resolved? Just tried to create a report using project title and wasn't able to...

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Hi Cathy Gibson, at the moment, the option is to use Custom Fields to filter or the tagging to group option mentioned by Lindsey above. 

If you could let me know of your use case, I can try to look into what workarounds we can offer, if any are available. 

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We also desperately need this functionality - we need to be able to produce a report of all tasks in a space that contain a certain phrase in the task title.  Is this still on the development roadmap?

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Hi Kate Carter, welcome to the Community, and thank you for bumping the thread. This still remains as a suggestion, we'll be sure to let you know if there are any updates in relation to this request. 

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