✌️Releases-Blueprints, mass editing, and a whole lot more (01/10/18)

Feature Updates


Blueprints (aka templates) are in Labs! If you haven't checked them out already, now's the time. Our favorite features? They're kept separate from other work, and tasks on Blueprints don't show up in Dashboards or My Work. 

A little more mass editing

Sometimes you need to change someone's license type. Sometimes you need to change multiple licenses at a time. Now you can. Need to delete multiple users at a time? You can do that too. Resend multiple invitations? You got it. 

Report on Guest Reviewers

Run an Access Report to see details (email, review expiration date, etc) related to Guest Reviewers in selected Folders and Projects. 

Does it bring you joy?

We took a cue from Marie Kondo and tidied up the Workflow tab, now you'll only see one workflow at a time.  

API Webhooks out of Beta

If you're familiar with API: we're going full steam ahead with webhooks. Not familiar with API? That's fine too.

Not enough? There was more

  • A special holiday Workspace theme. 
  • Two updates for Wrike Resource: 1) Mass enable Effort for all tasks in a selected Folder/Project 2) Data from the "Effort" column is exported to .xls files (for accounts with Wrike Resource). 
  • Audit Logs track when a Task, Folder, or Project is duplicated, saved as a Blueprint, or launched from a Blueprint.
  • Use Proofing with videos uploaded from MediaValet.
  • You can customize the name and description of Access Roles (for Enterprise accounts). 
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11 comentários

I love the new Blueprints feature, but I relied on being able to see all of my workflows next to one another. Is there any way we could restore the previous workflow view?

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How do we run the Access Report on Guest Reviewers?

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How is the new workflow design a positive change? Please reconsider this choice or at least add back the original view as a an optional view. If anything the original view just needed the ability to reorder the columns. But, it was so much easier to make work flows when they were side-by-side.

Blueprints are great. I’d love to be able to add to them from the Chrome Extension.

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Hi Brian, I am guessing the new workflow page design is because you are allowed to have hundreds, so it will quickly allow you to scroll through the list and choose to see the details of only the one you are looking to view, but options are always good.

However, the new workflow design page would be more effective if we could use it to designate where the statuses go in relation to each other.  For example, I may need a deferred status to appear on the board between active steps 3 & 4.  Right now, I do not have that option, but I should be able to determine where the statuses of my workflow need to be.  I don't need that dictated to me.  Why would a deferred status be at the end of a board?  In addition, the nodes are not very conducive to a Kanban Board workflow view.  There is no way in the board view, without opening every task card, to determine if the task is complete and ready to be pulled to the next node.  The card should change colors like the column when completed in the respective column or remain clear when not complete.

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Agree with Stephen Barnecut. The new Workflow view is nice - but the old view is better for some situations.  Please provide the ability for us to choose which view we want to use when designing workflows! 


Oh and yes, Blueprints ROCK!  🤙

Scott Henderson Arizona Community Foundation azfoundation.org

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@all, thanks for your feedback on Workflows. I have passed this on the Product Team for review. Happy everyone is happy with Blueprints!

@Hayley, this is how to run a Guest report. Pop over to the How To forum if you have any questions 👍

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@Stephen will Access Reports ever become available to Marketing accounts? Based on the link you shared, it currently looks like the Access Reports feature is only available to Enterprise accounts.


Admins or group admins on Enterprise accounts can use Access Reports (after it’s enabled from Labs).

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HI Hayley, you're correct, this feature is currently an Enterprise only feature, this was because these account usually have a lot of users so Reports like this were important to have. There are no immediate plans to push this to other subscriptions but I can see how it would be useful. It would be great to start a feedback post, so the Product Team can review the popularity of this idea among other Business accounts 👍

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Hi! How do you mass enable effort for a selected Folder/Project? 

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It made my day when I saw that I could mass edit roles. We have templates with over 507 tasks and being able to put a role on each one so that when anyone is put in charge of assigning it, they can just see "oh this one belongs to sales, project coordinator, consultant etc" keep up the good work!

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Hi Jordan Crisman, thank you for your feedback! It's been passed on to the Product team 😊

Hey Nicole Cioffe, mass enabling effort for folders/projects has since been removed, but the Product team are accepting feedback about this. If you'd like to provide any use cases for this, let me know and I'll pass it on!

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