Time Spent vs Allocated Hours for the Resource

I saw this post on Wrike and wasn't sure what the solution was for it. I am requesting to re-open it (Link)

Here's my take on it:

  1. I have Project A. That Project A is a time and materials type of project and has a bank of hours bought upfront from the client. Say Resource A has 160 hours while Resource B has 40 hours for that project.
  2. During the duration of the project, I am due to log time against tasks. Midway through the project how do I know how much time is spent vs the allocated bank of hours?

A screenshot to show what I need:

What I've tried so far:

  1. Custom field on Task Level. But on summation somehow the reports don't allow the time to be entered.
  2. Custom field on the Project Level to try to sum up. But I cannot sum up individual tasks belonging to another field.
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7 commenti

I'm in the process of setting up our Wrike system and had assumed something like this was baked in to the billing capabilities. Following.

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Hi Mercina Jobin and Mark Tucknutt, you can create this table using the Wrike Analyze function 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thanks @... I'll give it a go... 🤓

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Hi @... please also show how, and where the value of the fields needs to be to get that table. Thanks

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Hi Mercina Jobin, sharing the table with the values. I've also reached out to your Wrike Representative who can assist in further supporting your team building it. Please let me know if this helps 🙋🏻‍♀️

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HI Mercina,

Have you tried setting up the Allocated Hours as Effort within a task (or number of tasks)? 

You can then run reports that show you the effort vs time spent, and add a calculated field to show the time left (effort - time spent). 

Hope this makes sense.



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Hi Ariel Yurman,

Yes, I did. That's the best I could do with the issue as of today. But there are a lot of secondary issues with using effort:

  1. It is not a static field. It rolls up based on the filters in the respective fields.
  2. I might need to separate billable vs non-billable and the effort reflects those filters. 
  3. For complex projects where tasks keep getting added frequently by multiple stakeholders as project plans get enhanced based on risks - I have to continually police the data to make sure effort data isn't skewed. That is a lot of maintenance and overhead time only to maintain Wrike.

Anyway, as you mentioned for the smaller projects I do use Effort. 



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