Show how long a task has been in its current status
I need to run a report for each open task that shows how long that task has been in the current status selected. Each task status is usually "In process" but sometimes there are questions that need to be answered externally so when that happens we change the status to "With X for questions". We need to report on the time between when it was changed to the current status to the date the report is run. The only thing I have found so far is to calculate on the start date of the task but that doesn't help if we have change the status since the start.
Hello Jeanine,
I went through the liberty of trying to replicate what you want in each of the report options that Wrike has to offer. Unfortunately, I was not able to generate something that would suffice. I don't think this is a current capability that Wrike has. The best suggestion I could give now is to contact Wrike and offer this as a future function that Wrike has because I think that type of report could be very useful for everyone! Apologies that I couldn't help more, just my suggestion.
I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, as it'd be nice if it was built into the Wrike system itself, but if you happen to have a BI or programming team, you can create webhooks that fire off when a task status is changed using Wrike's API.
Jeanine Lore do you have Wrike Analytics? If so, first you can create a custom widget.
Add the "Task Status Change History Old Status" filter to the widget where you select the status you are looking to find the length of.
In the pivot table, have the first column be the task name and then use this formula: (([Task Status Change History Time Spent (minutes)]))/60/24 to calculate the length of time the task was a particular status. The /60/24 is to get the time into days rather than minutes.
I hope this helps.
Hi Ashley, is there a way to only count the time if it occurred during business hours?
@Ashley Fisher, thanks a lot! I didn´t know that pivot tables were editables
Is there a work around for this if you don't have analytics? I need to track how long a task has been in a certain status.
Hey Kali! Unfortunately, it's not possible to do without Wrike Analyze.
Vladimir Bugay Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Vladimir Bugay Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices