@Mention yourself to show up in inbox

When you @mention yourself, can we have it show up in your inbox? Our team members often are looking at many different tasks/projects and auditing as they go, and it would be nice to be able to @mention yourself in a task or project and get a notification of it to check on later, without having to assign the task to yourself. The only place in Wrike to see @mentions is in your inbox, but they are only visible if other users @mention you. 

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We use the "Star" feature for this - star the task in the top right corner, and it'll show up in the Starred tab of the Inbox.

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Good idea, Meredith, but starred items can't be "snoozed" or reminders set to ping you at a certain time.  Being able to create an Inbox item by self-@mention would have these functionalities (sort of, setting a time is currently limited to "3 hours from now" or 8AM on any given day).  I do wish Wrike had some way for me to set a reminder for a task to pop up a notification at a certain time on a certain day, for follow-up, whether or not it is assigned to me or another person or group.

*For any who have not already done this, please consider going to this page and UP-voting the (top) post.


Scott Henderson Arizona Community Foundation azfoundation.org

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Good point Scott!  I totally see how that would be helpful.

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Thanks for posting and providing your use-cases here, along with some workarounds!

The suggestion is passed on to the team 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Excellent idea, I really need this for my team too and I don't get why this is not a default feature :)

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I agree. It's helpful to be able to have something show up in your inbox so you remember to do it later; I would like to use this in the same way that one might email themselves as a reminder.

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Hi Angie Calvo, welcome to the Community! 🤗
Thanks a lot for supporting this idea! I'm passing your feedback to our Product team. Please make sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet - the number of votes helps the team understand how popular the suggestion is. Here's more detail on that, but please let me know if you have any questions! 
If you'd like to know what this Community has to offer, please check out our New to Community forum 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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+1 for this idea!!! So many people on my team ask about this missing feature because the Inbox is their default to-do list. Sure, starring a task will save it for you as a reminder, but what if you don't remember the action you're supposed to take?

Being able to tag myself with a specific message reminder would be so, so incredibly helpful! Example: Facilitating Standup for the Agile Marketing Team and someone asks me to check in with a stakeholder to unblock a task on the Board. If I tag myself in the comments as a reminder, I don't get a notification. It's easier to write a note to yourself than to ask someone to transcribe it for you. Slows down the process. 

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Daisy Hibbard How do we get more support for this idea? Definitely keen to add this feature

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Anna Duyckinck I shared this page with our Marketing team, the folks using Wrike the most, and told them they could upvote the idea if they supported the feature idea. :) 

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Back again 10 months later to say this functionality would still be incredibly helpful!

Use case: As a Scrum Master and Project Manager, I run a lot of meetings and usually have to screenshare. Sometimes I have action items as a result of these meetings and ideally I would be able to @mention myself in a comment so it hits my Inbox so I can address it when I have time. Right now I have to scribble it on a sticky note, and I know this is a me problem but sometimes I have to write so fast I can't read my own writing. 🫥 This week during a Refinement session I totally forgot that if I tag myself in a comment it doesn't show up in my Inbox, so I had to spend about 10 minutes yesterday digging through tasks to find the ones I had @mentioned myself on to locate action items I noted for myself during a Scrum refinement session. I only remembered to look for the comments because I had also scribbled a related note on a sticky. 

We just fully migrated to Wrike from Jira and I already miss the self-tagging feature in Jira. 😢

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1 year later. Still could you use the @mention for myself as a project manager. Could we please do a trial run?

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Hi Daisy Hibbard and Anna Duyckinck 👋

Thank you both for reaching out. I understand this could be beneficial for your use cases, but as of today, we do not have any new updates for this suggestion. In case of any new developments, I’ll make sure to post the update here. Thanks again for your patience!

Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

Rohan V Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

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