Re-align due dates when making a project timeframe shorter
We have a blueprint project set up to span a 5 week timeframe. There are 5 tasks in the blueprint, each set up with start and end dates.
Sometimes a project will come in that takes less time than the 5 weeks built into the blueprint. What do I need to do so that after I launch the blueprint then I shorten the project timeframe all the tasks within the project re-align accordingly?
I have attempted to use the date-rollup feature, it does not work at all. I have created the blueprint with all 5 tasks being subtasks, does not re-align properly. I have made the final task a milestone and changed that date to be shorter than the blueprint timeframe, hit Apply when prompted to re-align all the subtask due dates - nothing happened. I've also tested the blueprint with and without the tasks being dependent. Nothing is working to re-align the dates correctly if I need to shorten the project timeframe.
I do not want to have to tell my team to manually adjust each tasks date range.
Hi Maegen Maher,
can you manage different blueprints based on durations? You can create, for example, 3 different blueprint with 5 weeks, 4 weeks, 3 weeks.
So you can choice the best that works for each case.
Otherwise you can do something similar by using API.