Delete User and Transfer Recurring Tasks

I recently realized that we've been losing recurring tasks because of employee turnover even though we use the Delete and Transfer process to preserve other things the user created. When the user is deleted and the items transferred, the tasks made from recurrences remain, but the recurrence definition is completely lost.

Please include task recurrences in the list of things that are transferred to another user.

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Thanks for contributing your idea! It’s now being forwarded to the respective Product team at Wrike. Let's see how much traction it gains in our community.

In the meantime, do let me know if I can help you with anything else 🙂

Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

Rohan V Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

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