[Wrap Text in custom fields]
Hi there,
Wrike has recently released a feature that allows to wrap texts (e.g. for task titles) in the table view.
From our perspective, it would be of immeasurable utility if a similar function were also provided for texts contained within project custom fields or task custom fields.
Very often, even though it would be useful for us to do so, we refrain from embedding certain text questions from forms into a custom field. Instead, we prefer to convey this textual information in the task description that is generated upon form completion. We are compelled to make this choice because transferring text information into a custom field would result in it being very difficult to read within the task or project record, as the text would be truncated after a few characters (only by clicking within the custom field would it be possible to view the entire text). Conversely, a wrapping function similar to the one recently introduced in the table view would be immensely helpful.
Would you consider to adopt this implementation?
Very Best Regards
Hi Giovanni,
today was released
Hi Pietro,
Thank you for your feedback. I noticed that in yesterday's weekly updates, the introduction of the "wrap text" functionality in the table view was mentioned. In fact, it was the introduction of this new feature that prompted the request I made, which I evidently phrased poorly and was not clear; I apologize for that.
What I meant is that it would be greatly valuable to have a wrapping functionality also for the texts of the custom fields displayed within projects or tasks.
Let me give an example with a screenshot to better illustrate what I mean: the custom field I've highlighted in orange (which is a text type custom field) could easily accommodate text longer than the space available. In such a case, it would be great if the custom field could "wrap," allowing - while preserving the width of the field itself - the user to easily read all the text contained within it without needing to click on the field and scroll right with the mouse or keyboard.
Hi Giovanni De Giovanni, I agree with you.
I think I've posted something similar in a old post.
@... Lisa is it in your roadmap?
Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Rohan V Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Hi Rohan, thank you for your feedback.
I hadn’t noticed that in the Side Panel view, the text fields were already expanded. From my perspective, this is already an improvement compared to the past.
It would be ideal if this functionality could also apply to the standard view. I understand that this implementation may require some additional effort, mainly to determine how to balance the text (potentially expanded over multiple lines) of the custom fields of type text, given that in the traditional view, there are usually two custom fields on the same line.
In any case, thank you for the update, and if the functionality is extended to the traditional view, as we hope, please let us know in the weekly updates!
See you soon,
Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Rohan V Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices