Multi-Day Deadlines Appearing as Latest Date
Prior to the Wrike update with the new dashboards, multi-day deadlines for tasks would appear in Dashboard widgets as "due" on the earliest day in the date range selected, and continue appearing as "due" throughout the entirety of the selected range. This is vastly superior to the current system, where now the deadline appears as the last day within the selected date range.
Hi Liberty Harris, I don't know if it can help but I use date as range.
Date is different from due date because due date it consider only last date, while date consider all days between start and due date.
Hey Liberty, can you please elaborate on what do you mean by "multi-day deadlines"? I'm asking because the due date is always a specific date in Wrike.
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Vladimir Bugay Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices