Duration Type Custom Field displaying in Minutes - Need it in Days...

Hi All!

I need help with my Pivot table. I have a custom field type duration for our request SLA. The methods I have used to add this to my table and another formula isn't working because it is displaying in minutes. We need the table to Pull the SLA custom field, turnaround, and lastly show the variance all in Days. 

The Turnaround is on Days and I need the SLA to also show in Days so the SLA Variance formula is correct. 

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6 commenti

Crystal Fugate Hi! You should be able to divide that number by 24 in your formula to get a report in days.

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Crystal Fugate, I see this post is a couple weeks old. Have you achieved the result you are looking for?

If not, can you share the existing formula you have in place for the SLA and SLA Variance columns?

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David Simmington, Yes I figured out a solution - not sure how elegant it is but it works. I realized the duration custom field is in hours and it calculates a day as 8 hours. However, the analytics board was displaying the number in minutes. To get from minutes to days I had to divide the formula by 480. In the pivot table all the below should be in the Values section.

SLA Formula: 

Turnaround Formula:

SLA Variance Formula (this is the SLA formula - Turnaround formula, I just copied and pasted):

Here is my pivot table final results:

Hope this helps. :) 

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You nailed it. Nice work. Exactly what I was going to recommend! Was going to call out the hours (8 working hours per day) and dividing by 480 with a simple "/480" in the formula. Glad you have it all figured out!

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Can this be done when building a formula custom field on an account that does not have Wrike Analyze? 

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Ali Pruitt (Wrike Consultant) Yes, you can use a formula custom field and have the view for the folder/project be table view. For our turnaround formula we did [Completed date]-[Created date].

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