Milestone reschedule based on dependencies?

Hi there,

When we set the milestone, we associate the relevant tasks to the milestone (FS/FF etc). When the date of any of these tasks is changed, the related task will be postponed to the new date according to the original duration. The exception to this is milestone, where I always have to change the date manually.
Is there a reason for this?
Does Wrike team have any plans in the near term to make milestones automatically adjust to new dates based on dependencies like tasks do?
If not, why not?



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This is working as intended - their design for milestones is that they deliberately don't move (much like literal milestones in the real world), and the dependency links to/from the milestones really just show if there's an issue.

When we need to report on key dates about projects, we use a custom item type (called a milestone, yes this gets confusing) to roll-up this info for reporting/filtering, this lets us choose whether or not to let that date float based on dependencies or stay at a fixed date by setting a 1-day or 0-day duration.

I use milestones (0-day duration tasks) to set start dates for things that have start date constraints, because I dislike how Wrike adds/controls start date constraints on the Gantt view.

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Hi Nic Roberts

Thanks for the confirmation and clarification.
It's a little weird. Since the Wrike team set milestone as one of the default types it should be allowed to follow the dependencies and make adjustments because there are relationships between milestones.
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I've tried to use a 1-day task instead of a milestone by duplicating another milestone with a customized item, and it worked but we always had to come back and manually tweak all of the tasks to the "customized milestones".




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