How to Transform 1/0 to "Yes"/"No"
Hi there,
Does anyone have a formula for a pivot table for "Is Overdue" column that will allow to transform the 1 value to "Yes" and the 0 value to "No"
I found online that IF function one works for PowerBI and CASE may work, but I've tried a few but no luck.
Any help is appreciated!
Hello Bri!
Wrike Analyze does not provide a dashboard function to present text as a formula output. The system only allows for numeric or Null values to be displayed.
Nicolas Genibre Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Nicolas Genibre Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
We need this as well. Mainly due to the Checkbox custom field type as it displays as 0 or 1 on Pivot tables.