Error when downloading zipped files
I'm curious if anyone else has this problem. Often, when I try to download a zipped folder or a batch of individual files from Wrike, I get an error message when I try to expand the zipped folder.
The message says, "Unable to expand 'File' into 'Folder'. (Error 2 - No such file or directory.)
Sometimes if I duplicate the file it will then open. Other times I delete it and re-download it until I get one that will open. It always does in the end, it just takes some work to get there.
Is this a user-error on my end? I generally work from the Wrike App, and have a Mac running El Capitan version 10.11.6.
Hi Cait, sorry for the delay getting back here. Is this issue still happening? If so please let me know and I'll raise a ticket with our Support Team who can look into this with you. Thank you 👍
Hi Stephan! Thanks for the response. It hasn't been happening lately. We just had a modem upgrade here, so I'm thinking maybe it was a poor internet connectivity issue. Sorry for the false alarm!
👌 Perfect Cait. Thanks for getting back to me 😊