Emoji Shorthand and Emoji Most Frequently Used

The addition of emojis has been helpful. Would you please consider these?

  1. Slack activates a search for emojis as soon as you type the colon key. I, and assume many, have grown accustomed to this speed feature in their tool. Would you incorporate a search field in the "insert emoji function"?
  2. Would you automatically sort all emoji choices based on profile use frequency? I commonly use the same emojis and would appreciate those I use most to bubble to the top.
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8 commenti

Great idea... Voted!!!


Also, can you please consider my feedback: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115002370205-Custom-field-show-hide-settings


Please give your thoughts and Vote if you agree.




Jarnail Singh

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HiTravis and Jarnail! Happy to hear you're enjoying emojis, and I appreciate the feedback. Curious to learn about how you use them in Wrike - as a regular communication tool (like in other apps), or perhaps you use them as reactions to certain messages?

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Thanks for your follow up Anastasia.

I frequently use them in Slack. It helps take the edge off of statements and/or responses. Working remotely is a gift, but it has its challenges as people aren't able to hear your tone of voice or read your body language.

Currently, my most common use in Wrike is to "respond" via a thumbs up. I'd use them more frequently in Wrike if there was an easier way to get them into a comment to someone. Here's a quick screen cast showing you how I use emojis in Slack. Because of how they implemented it, I never have to remove my fingers from my keyboard. I begin by typing a colon and then a few characters. 

Does this help?


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Travis, thanks for following up. Yes, that's definitely helpful, and that's the exact way I use emojis too. I can definitely relate to reacting to something with a thumbs up or a plus sign to acknowledge that I've seen something, without cluttering up anyone's inbox. :)

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Would be great to have... As seems slow after using Slack :)

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A frequently used list of emojis would be fantastic! We frequently use the thumbs up or check mark to quickly indicate if something is approved or to acknowledge a statement without the need to write out a response. Having the frequently used emojis right at the top would save a lot of time. I do also like the idea of a shorthand for emojis as well. 👍


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YES!  Please add the ability to use emoji based on recently used or have the ability to create favorites.


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Since the introduction Emojis have especially helped with acceptance for people that usually wouldn't work tool-based. It makes it a wee-bit more ..cute, I guess? With Emojis people feel that Wrike is a bit more of a playspace where work gets done and not a tough project management tool where everyone has to work all super serious. 

So, our organisations use it on reactions to comments as well as in dialogue and even in Task descriptions to take the edge off of a particularly short deadline. Would really love to have a quick acces list of "recently used emojis" in Wrike! 

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Folllowing List for Post: Emoji Shorthand and Emoji Most Frequently Used
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]

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