Side by Side View for Proofing
I would love to be able to view multiple versions of a file simultaneously to compare edits and updates more easily.
I've worked in other project management tools that allow you to open the current version as well any of the previous versions to easy compare and check side by side to ensure edits have been made correctly. Currently I have to toggle between two open windows in Wrike or print out one version and compare to the other.
Is this something that might be available in the future?
Stacey Gill Munich Re
Hi everyone, I'm Slava Kogan, the Product manager at Wrike. I'm very happy to announce that our team has just launched Side-by-side comparison in Wrike Proof. Thanks for your suggestion and support in this thread, this wouldn't have happened without your input! Please check out more details in this post.
Slava Kogan Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Slava Kogan Wrike Team member Conosci le straordinarie funzionalità di Wrike e le best practices
Hi Stacey! First off, I love your profile picture. We do have revision history within the document editor, but not within the proofing panel (and I can see how this would be helpful). We'll send other users here if they have similar requests so that they can +1 it.
+1 from our Team. We have used Wrike for years, but were using ProofHQ for proofing and approvals. We switched away from ProofHQ to get the efficiency of 1 tool for project management and proofing...but we had to give up some significant advanced comparison features. Side by side proofing (JPGs/PDFs), as well as slider (1 page view with 2 versions stacked on top of each other with a slider to manually slide back and forth), and emboss (another stacked one on top of the other view with a shadow in red of any differences). These comparison features save time and speed efficiency in reviews/approvals.
+1 from our Team. We have used Wrike for years, but were using ProofHQ for proofing and approvals. We switched away from ProofHQ to get the efficiency of 1 tool for project management and proofing...but we had to give up some significant advanced comparison features. Side by side proofing (JPGs/PDFs), as well as slider (1 page view with 2 versions stacked on top of each other with a slider to manually slide back and forth), and emboss (another stacked one on top of the other view with a shadow in red of any differences). These comparison features save time and speed efficiency in reviews/approvals.
@Alex thank you for your input here, it's helpful to hear about the other potential feedback requests related to this feature as well.
+1 from us as well.
We're a marketing company who produces weekly ads for a chain of grocery stores. As a result, we have an intensive proofing process where we need to compare two versions of a spread side-by-side.
A semi-usable workaround would be to duplicate the browser window and have two open side-by-side, but our proofs can easily have 100 comments and that makes it hard to follow along in each proof.
We currently use ProofHQ for this (and it works great), however this would be a fantastic addition to Wrike.
Here is an image from Google showing how ProofHQ handles side-by-side proofing:
+1 from our team! Having a side-by-side comparison view of review versions to track changes would make the review process much simpler and quicker. We would love to see this as an added feature.
@Nathan @Rebecca happy that you were both able to add to the discussion here! Nathan, the screenshot is especially helpful in allowing us to visualize what you had in mind.
+ 1 From me as well! Would be very helpful for our design staff and editorial staff.
Really could use the side-by-side feature. Also if the comments could point to the markup with a long string like Ziflow does, that would be perfect.
+1 from me as well. Thanks!
From me as well. Need this feature!
+1 This feature would be super helpful!
Please add this feature! We have used Wrike for a while now, and while it is a great tool, this is one area that I find severely lacking. The side by side feature would cut down on review time and ensure edits are accurately made.
+1 from our small marketing team at a liberal arts university. We in-house produce 700+ projects a year (including a magazine issued 3x per year.) Side by side proof comparison would be a tremendous add for Wrike. [ We are currently using Wrike for Marketers.]
@Everyone Thanks for adding your votes, comments and use cases!
It would be great if more people vote, and when the posts reaches 60 votes, our Product team will add a status to it. Please check out more info on votes and statuses. Your suggestion is logged already, but the more votes it gets, the more likely it is that it appears on the Product roadmap 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
+1 From my team as well! This would be huge to review changes on projects, particularly helpful on our magazine when there are often many copy editing changes that can feel like hunting the proverbial needle in a haystack.
Ditto re Molly's comment
+1 from my team. Please add this feature! The ability to view proofs side by side would cut down on review time and ensure edits are accurately made. Thank you.
+ 1 from my team. We are implementing Wrike with our Creative Team and they are resistance for the lack of this feature it would be really useful to have it
I see this was from 2017 was this implemented alredy??
I don't seems to be able to find a reference to it elsewhere so I guess not. It would be really useful to use as we would like to be able to compare previous projects with the current template to simplify the review to see if the previous projects require new actions that have been added to the template
In my work environment, we need side by side proofing and comment. Our workaround is to EDIT the newly submitted document within Wrike which launches the associated program (like acrobat). then go back into the Wrike task and preview the previous submission and then tile the windows. This works but is cumbersome as many times the reviewer just needs to compare to see if there are any comments required. We would certainly like to have this feature within Wrike, where you merely click "compare" on two of the revisions currently listed on the task.
+1 from my team. Please add this feature! We desperately need to be able to compare and contrast proofs. Viewing side by side would cut down on review time and ensure edits are accurately made. Thank you.
PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE! As a Graphic Designer - this would help for proofing