Giving Sub tasks automatic workflows
I want to have sub tasks within a task have a different work flow than the parent task,but it would be nice to have an option to make a default work flow for subtasks without having to manually select it with each new sub task.
This way I can give all sub tasks their own workflow automatically.
Hope this makes sense.
Hi Lee, that's a great profile picture!
I think this request might be related to another community feedback post on Custom Workflows. If that sounds like what you're looking for do you think you could add a plus one there? I would love to hear about the difference between how you use task and subtask workflows. Do all of your subtasks normally follow the same workflow?
We have a need for this as well. We use high level tasks to manage various things through workflows such as change orders, operators manuals, and supplier qualification initiatives. It is very helpful do use board views and domain specific workflows to visualize these items as they move through their workflows. Each item though needs to be supported by some number of subtasks. These subtasks should go through their own workflow (designed to manage tasks.). It gets awkward to ask our users to manually assign every subtask to a new workflow when created. I would like to see a useful workaround and a commitment to add some sort of feature like this. I think the discussion about a board view for projects is quite connected to this discussion. It speaks to the need to follow top level items through customized workflows, but support them with tasks following a more typical task workflow.
@Lee Maclennan
We have a workaround. But it needs additional standardization of your project approaches.
We use projects created by request forms from templates.
In the template you may choose any status from any workflow as predefined status.
If you need different active statuses from the same workflow you may choose them as well.
It is more convenient to choose completed/canceled statuses instead. Such choice will create a drawback. After project creation all task will appear in the first active status in their respective workflows.
Attached pic shows project template with tasks from 2 different workflows and 10 different predefined active statuses.
Hopefully this will be helpful. Also I'd like to mention that approach standardization makes a lot of thinks easier in general. There is still some degree of flexibility but standard makes everything more predictable with less vague boundaries.
3 years and counting...
If you could just make it that If I select a default workflow in a folder, the subtasks use the default workflow and not the parent task workflow, it would be really great! If there is a way, please telle me! :)
HI everyone
Wow, I had no idea there were comments here until today.
@stephaniewestbrook thanks, no we normally do not use the same workflows for tasks and subtasks. Usually one task is a container for a large number of subtasks, these subtasks can relate to 3 different teams with differing needs.
@andiryvertseshuk that is a very helpful hint, thank you.
@... thank you for the response
Agreed, not having a different subtask workflow is frustrating. For example, with a meeting minutes ticket using a basic workflow; the action items should have the standard workspace workflow.
Realmente, é algo que seria muito útil.
Na exibição do Quadro, as tarefas ficam organizadas somente pelo status das tarefas pai, sendo que, seria interessante termos a opção de visualizar o Quadro apenas com as subtarefas.
Na nossa estruturação de projetos, as tarefas pai representam apenas uma divisão do conteúdo do projeto, e nelas, temos várias subtarefas com status variados, que são executadas em datas diferentes, com prazos diferentes e por pessoas diferentes.
Por isso, também é interessante que possamos utilizar um fluxo de trabalho padrão para as subtarefas. Por exemplo, para as tarefas pai, utilizamos o fluxo de trabalho: Backlog, iniciadas e finalizadas, e, para as subtarefas, o fluxo de trabalho: A fazer, em andamento, pausadas e concluídas.
Quem sabe também, ter uma opção de selecionar o fluxo de trabalho das tarefas que queremos na exibição de Quadro.
Obrigado por compartilhar feedback detalhado aqui, Lizandra Silva!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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