How to automatically assign a color to project icon using requests
We are using different colors to have a better look of our client's type (architect, engineer, general contractors, etc.). Is it possible using a Request form, to automatically assign a color to the project icon depending of the client's type?
Hi Eric,
you can use blueprints to get what you want.
1- Create 1 blueprint for each type of customer
2- When you setup the form, based on the customer type, you can add a specific action to each item, add a subtask and you can get it from the blueprint.
It make sense for you?
I would like more color coding too - conditional formatting would be great!
Thank you for supporting this suggestion Kelly R!
I agree. More color coding. I know you can change the color based on the workflow for just the copy, but is there a way to make the whole project or task bar one color?
This isn't currently possible Melissa Hier, so please upvote the original post at the top of the page if you haven't yet 👍
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