Custom Dashboard Widget
Hi all! I was wondering if there was a way to create a Custom Dashboard Widget that specifically shows when a team member @mentions you? My team works off of dashboards mostly and the @mentions are getting lost in the large amounts of Wrike inbox notifications. Any suggestions are appreciated!
I agree with you Katie Brown this would be a great feature. Excited to see who has suggestions for this because I need to know as well!
Thanks for asking!
Hi Katie Brown, this is currently not possible but definitely an interesting suggestion! I've moved your post to our Product Feedback forum so more members can support your suggestion like Lea Labastida 💚
I think it's a problem implementing this feature, as a dashboard uses filters on tasks or projects, but an @mention results in a message, independent of any task status. A widget showing all tasks where you got mentioned would etiher result in an endless growing list, or (if only active tasks are shown) woudn't show a task if you got mentioned after the task was finished. I often inform all followers if I finished a task, so this would also be a bad solution.
I think the inbox is right the way to get informed about @mentions, you just have to clean it up ;-)
Bumping this! Or, in the very least, make an inbox that can be filtered.
I agree with Katie, Lea, and Haylie. I was just searching for making a custom widget to add to the Dashboard for mentions because my team members have expressed frustration with the amount of notifications in the Inbox. If supporting functionality for a custom widget isn't possible, being able to filter the Inbox would be a great alternative.