[Status: Backburner ⌛️] Approvals showing up in Dashboards, Reports, My to-do

Hi there,

We love the new Approvals and how they integrate into the workflow! There is one issue though that is deflating the experience: Approvals don't show up in Dashboards, Reports or My to-do.

When I am assigned as an Approver for a task, I only get an E-mail Notification and it shows up in my inbox.

When some-one gets a lot of approvals assigned to them, or an approval is scheduled a bit in advance, it gets lost in the Inbox really easy. We use Dashboards to keep our teams on-task, and because Approvals don't show up on the dashboards, they tend to slip through the cracks - exactly the opposite of what we want Wrike to do for us!

It would be great if they could show up in as a minimum the Dashboards so we can track who's doing what & when.



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63 commentaires

This is a critical piece of being able to effectively leverage approvals.

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a million times yes!

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You can add an Approvals widget to your dashboard - this is what we've done. It's one of the filters.

But I agree they should appear, like tasks do, in other views through Wrike

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Dropped here at this page for the same issue.

I need in particular to report approvals (who approved, who is pending to approve, who rejected) in a report column.

As of today I need to manually update an export to excel file.

Please Wrike Team! Thumbs up!

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I agree - this at the very minimum should show in My To-Do. However, I can't even get the Dashboard widget to work. I don't want to work this hard to know that I need to approve something. 

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100% agree - approvals need to show in my to-do as a minimum. Too easily lost otherwise.

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We need this functionality as well. Approvals should appear in "my to-do".

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An approvers dashboard should show the due date of the approval - not the due date of the task. An approval is started and assigned to someone with a due date - that's the date that should populate in the approvers dashboard. This seems like it would be super easy fix.

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I have the approvals widget on our dashboard but it isn't functioning. I have looked at all the filters and I have a pending approval that should be showing up and it's not. I agree with others on that an approval should be added as a task or react the same way as a task, it gets so lost and forgotten in the inbox system. 

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Need approvals to be listed in my to-do list....

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Hey everybody, thank you for all of your feedback! It's been passed on to the Product team. As soon as I have an update for you, I'll let you know.

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Chiming in to add my voice to this feature request. We have collaborators who do nothing but review. They do not request work, have task assignments and do not need any other functionality in Wrike. But they may have a number of items to review at a given time. Since collaborators cannot view dashboards, it would be great if their approvals would show up in My to-do since the inbox isn't the most intuitive view for infrequent users & doesn't give them an indication if they have completed a review or not. 

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Hey everyone! The team has plans to add this to My to-do 🙂 I don't have more details at the moment; I'll let you know as soon as I know more! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I don't use the to-do list because I can't control the output. I really need this in a dashboard feature widget. But yes approvals get lost in my stream because I have so much "streaming" in there. 

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Thank you for sharing this feedback, Benjamin Johnstone! It's been passed on to the Product team.

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Many members of my team aren't assigned to tasks, but are added as "Approvers", so much of their time is spent looking over files. We have weekly meetings where I share a report of our teams' workload and current project count and completion. I would like to be able to report on how many tasks or files have been approved by team members so their workload is also visible to the team. Is there a way to do this?

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Hi Cheryl Palea, thanks for adding your use case here and sharing this detail. 

We're checking in with the Product team on this request as we speak. As soon as we have an update we'll be back to you here 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

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Hi folks, 

Apologies for the delay here.

We wanted to share an update to let you know that there are no plans for this at the moment. I know this won't be the news you were hoping for, but we have shared your feedback with the team and will continue to do so. 

If there are any changes to this in the future we'll be sure to let you know here 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

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Elaine are there plans to add the Approvals to the 'My to do' as suggested by Lisa in July last year or are you saying this isn't happening now. Be good to get an update on this. I'm developing a product launch process that I was planning to use approvals as the way to ensure everyone in the team has been notified about a new product and approved for launch however as these do not show in the My To-do list it really won't work for infrequent users if this isn't going to be added. The approvals just get lost and no way for collaborators to easily find what they need to approve. 

If on the other hand, this is going to be added as suggested, are we able to get any update on how soon this might be done? Thanks in advance 


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Hi Gary Williams, thanks for your comment and question here. 

We did have plans to add Approvals to 'My to-do' as Lisa mentioned, but unfortunately due to other priorities, this ended up not being added to the roadmap. 
At the moment, there are no plans to add functionality to Approvals for the foreseeable. I know this will be disappointing news, but we will continue to share your feedback on this with the team. 
The more votes this suggestion has, the more the team will see the demand here, so please do encourage others to share their support if this is something they'd like to see implemented and we'll be sure to update you here if there are any changes down the line.
If there's anything else we can help with here, don't hesitate to ask 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

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Agreed! Our team is experiencing the same issue. They have a lot of tasks and rely heavily on My to-dos and dashboard. We need to add Approvals into at least one of them to better manage workload. 

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Thank you for sharing your use case and supporting this suggestion May Lim, I've passed on your feedback to our Product team. Please be sure to upvote the original post if you haven't yet.

Welcome to the Community 😊

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Hi everyone,

Getting into this thread to +1.

In addition and to precise our user story.

#1 As a Report Creator, I would like to be able to group by "approvers"

#2 As a Report Creator, I would like to be able to group by "Approval pending by"


Thanks in advance

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Hi Julien Thiery, thank you for sharing your feedback and use cases here. I've passed it on to our Product team👍🏼

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I agree with Julien that we would like to be able to group by "Approval Pending By". Additionally, it would be great if we could have a column in the report that shows who a task is pending review by and the approval due date (not the task due date).

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Thank you for adding your feedback here Ashley Fischer 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Our team is struggling with seeing what items are pending their approval.  There are many files that require many approvals on a weekly basis.  We find ourselves having to create a report by folder for pending approvals, and clicking on each task to see who is needing to approve it.  This is very time-consuming.  I have created a report for full users to see what is pending their approval, but collaborators don't have access.  If anyone has a way to easily see pending approvals by approver would be very helpful.

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Hi Stephanie Kline, thanks for sharing your use case and adding your support for this suggestion 🙌🏼

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This feature is critical for us to. Since the approvals have deadlines set that are separate from the task itself, people need to see these as part of their to dos and dashboards. We also need a way to pull a report/dashboard that shows all the approvals for a specific project by approver, deadline, and status. Thanks!

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Enhancing approvals will increase the value of Wrike, and its longevity.  

At the very least enable us to filter for tasks with approvals on the table view, in reports, and in dashboard.  That would be a significant enhancement to using the approval function... especially when an auditor requests an approval log.

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