Wrike new table in task description enhancements
I am really glad to have the new tables in Task Descriptions. I wanted to list some additional enhancements I think would be good for the next version. One of my benchmarks are new tables that came out in Evernote. Confluence has some new stuff as well. You guys have emulated some of that good functionality of these other tools with one huge feature - the ability to manipulate the table a bit by right clicking.
So here's the list:
- Move across the table, between cells, with "tab" - this is a common feature of tables in word processors, etc. and excel
- Add the ability to have a heading in the top row, ideally with a background color. For now I add my headings in the top row, and highlight the text on them - not bad for now, and very glad you guys allow highlighting of text in the table.
- Some ability for auto-numbering, this would be in the first column
- spell check in tables - it does not work as well as in the regular task description. In fact I haven't seen it pop up at all!
- ability to create even the most rudimentary bullet list. I use tables for meeting notes, which I take in tasks in Wrike. Each row is an agenda item. It would be great if I could list out notes in a true outline, within the table, without the need to type things like "-" or "1."
Thanks guys for considering!
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