[Status: Not planned] Print function for Wrike Request Forms

Is it possible to add the option after creating a Wrike request form to add a print function. Currently a lot of our forms are multiple pages and to proof it would be great if we could print them out. 

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34 commentaires

I totally agree with this request. We have a request form of 14 pages and need to proof them and we can't find a proper way to do it.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Amandine Wow 14 pages! Am I getting this right - when someone submits a request form, the questions + answers end up being around 14 pages? The responses that are submitted via the form then need to be proofed/edited? 

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Hi Stephanie, indeed that's a lot but we don't have any other options. I need put conditions in my request forms (which creates a new page).

Just need my request form to be proofed just once, before the launch of the form (just to be sure there's no mistake in it). But as this was too heavy we splitted this form into three forms.

But still, it could be great if we could print the request forms in order to proof/ edit them




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Stephanie Westbrook

@Amandine This is so interesting. Each time I've read the request, I thought that people were interested in proofing submitted forms, but proofing the actual form questions makes so much sense. We've passed this feedback on to the team 😊. For now, the best workaround I have is to put the form questions in a task and have those added verbatim. That said, I know it's not the same as a true proofread (after the form is "live").

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thank you @stephanie for passing this feedback to your team :) It is very appreciated 

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Amandine That's what we're here for! Well, part of it 😉

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Being able to print a request form (either empty or once filled out)  is a basic yet very important feature. I was quite shocked to discover that this is not a possibility in Wrike and sincerely hope this is implemented sooner than later. Thanks

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Please add a print option for forms. This is a pretty basic feature that most people need. Thank you -

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A print feature or even the option to export the draft form would greatly help when building/creating new forms.

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I agree, I would love to be able to print out or make PDF of forms to proof.

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Cannot believe I cannot print a draft copy of the form before it goes LIVE.  I do not want a very long page of questions but want to group categories of questions.  The way it stands, I cannot see the BIG picture.  I want to be able to see multiple pages of questions all at once to make sure the flow of the questions will make sense to the end user.  I am hoping your dev team will agree to add this functionality.  It is huge from a customer standpoint.


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Our company also badly needs the ability to print & proof forms - and a bonus would be the ability to email a draft/pdf version straight from Wrike to a coworker for review.

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Hi guys, thanks for sharing your use-cases here. I don't have an update for now, but I'll get back to you when I have something to share. Please keep voting 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Has there been any movement on this yet? We'd find it a really useful feature for our forms 👍

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We really need this function too ! Hope it will be possible soon.

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This would be a HUGE help for our organization. We've got some robust configurations on our request forms.

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Hey everyone, thanks for all of your feedback! I have no update for you at the moment, but as soon as I have one I'll let you know 😊

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Would really love to see this feature!

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Thanks for your feedback, Brianna LaBarge! It's not on the team's short-term plans at the moment, but I should be able to provide some info in Q1 2021 when all planning is finalized. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I would like to add my voice to this request, it is such a basic feature to be able to print a form. 

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Thank you Jessica Varlet! Could you please "like" the top post here, where Alyssa submitted the idea originally?

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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+1 for print forms

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Thank you for the support, Gabe Schur.
If there are any updates we'll be sure to post them here 👍🏼
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Has this request been explored further? We also need a way to print forms or to create a pdf.

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Hi Angie Cagle, not for the moment unfortunately.

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My organization could really use printing functionality for forms as well.

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Need Print Function or save the entire document to a PDF to proof.  

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Need Print Function or save the entire document to a PDF to proof.  

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Thank you for your support here, folks. We will add a status to the original post above once it reaches 60 upvotes (which will be happening soon I think 🙂)

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Yes, we definitely need to be able to print the request form blueprint to be able to confirm mapping is done correctly. I made sure to add my vote at the top but we seem to still be a bit shy of the 60 needed

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