Access to Wrike project from Glean account

Hi, can I access my Wrike project via an app I'm creating in Glean? I have access to both with the same mailid.  It looks like there is no readymade access to Wrike via Glean.  Is there a workaround?  If it is an access issue, which admin can provide access - Glean or Wrike? Thank you!

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Hi Sujani Koya, welcome to the Community! 👋
Thanks for posting your query about accessing Wrike through your Glean account. I'll raise a support ticket on your behalf, and one of our experts will get in touch with you shortly to assist.

Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

Rohan V Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

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