Possible to set up a testing instance?

I'm developing an API app for our organization, and I'm concerned about the possibility of accidentally deleting my organization's data during the process. Is it possible to create a fully separate Wrike environment?

Barring that, is there a way to limit all API requests to within a specific folder, space, or project?

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Yeah, this is possible. The way that I just handled this was to:

  1. Hoist any space-level settings (workflows, custom types, etc) into account level items
  2. Create Blueprints for my folder/project configurations
  3. Establish a development space
  4. Copy my blueprint folders/projects into that space
  5. Scope all folder/project queries by space
  6. Post/mutate tasks into folders scoped by a space

I then set a space ID per development environment, server, etc. HTH.

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To have a different instance, you may also experience problem on different id in the backend for everything, eg. for all your custom field, space, user, user group, etc even with exactly the same name, the id will be different, depends on your programming structure, it may not be that easy to accomdate all these. I think the way you did is easier if your environment is not very complicated.

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