Gantt Chart Features - Projects and Sub- Projects
When Managing Programs or Portfolios, I like to use stacked projects so I can see high level views of the collective, while allowing the downstream teams the features of the projects and tasks in their board views.
However, I'm finding that when I try to use fields like Dependencies and Durations on the sub projects of the portfolio, I'm limited from using these features. Am I doing something wrong, or is this feature limited?
If it's limited, what are the work arounds? and use this as an upvote for the feature improvement.
Hi Tyler,
You're not missing something - Wrike does not allow the Predecessors field (for dependencies) to be used on a Project - only on a task.
The workaround for this is to have a Project Start and and Project Close task that match to the dates of your project, for each project, and you can make dependencies between the tasks.