Indicator Help - Comparing Two Dates

Sorry, I am know I am missing something simple here. 

I want to count of how many times a project custom date field (Required Date) is less than the Project Due Date. Then display it as an indicator

I am trying to use the function

Sum(if(DDiff([Days in Required Date],[Days in Project Completion Date])<0,1,0))

However I am getting an error back that says 

what am I missing? 

Please and thank you 

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2 commentaires

Hey Ped Watt!

I asked about a similar function related to tasks. Ashley helped me out with the formula. This is what she came up with for tasks.

SUM([Task ID], if (SUM(ddiff([Days in Task Completion Date], [Days in Task Due Date]))<01,1,0))

You can view the thread here. I was getting the same syntax error, so I hope this leads you down the right path!



👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Jessie Stith Thank you for this. I was missing the second Sum, I can see that fixing the property casting issues. 

This is working for me now 


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