Getting Started Tips

Watch the tutorial videos. They are invaluable.

Personalize a dashboard. Or several. They will help you focus.

Take time to set up current tasks, projects, and timelines. That is what Wrike is all about!

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8 commentaires

Use the mobile app , its awesome

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Use outlook-addin, you can create tasks from emails.

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Create user groups, it helps immensely to manage projects if different departements are involved.

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Custom fields is a good feature, you can set fields like budget, priority or status...

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In some cases it will be helpful to set folder permissions.
eg. for training materials and procedural instructions. One person (or user group) is editing this folder (or more folders) and all other have only the read permission...

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Heiko, welcome to the Community and thank you for these tips! While support for the Outlook Add-in has been discontinued, you can definitely still create and interact with tasks right from your inbox with the help of the Email Integration feature.

You mentioned training materials - do you have a particular structure in Wrike dedicated to training? I'd love to hear about your approach to this!

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Ups, but the email integration I so rarely used therefore I dont have noticed. But it was a good feature. You get an email and you create a task per one click.
I will deal myself on occasion with the new e-mail Integration...

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Topic training materials:

I created a folder called "WRIKE-Training Materials". It is assigned to all members in our account, but only with read permissions.
Therein are tasks (without date, assignation or dependencies) for different important subjects, which should know our employees. The tasks have inside a text or a dokument (pdf, doc etc.) or a picture to describing the subject.
Thats it. :-)

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