Edit multiple task title in table view
En avantHI!
I often have to make multiple changes to a task list to add a prefix or add text to the end of tasks.
For example, I have editorial plans for our clients consisting of 20 activities and it often happens that I have to add information on the language in which to write the article as it can change from client to client.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
I wish I could easily add {ITA} to all the titles in one go:
Article 1 {ITA}
Article 2 {ITA}
Article 3 {ITA}
Article 4 {ITA}
When it comes to a few tasks it's easy, but just yesterday I had to rename about 120 tasks 😅
Have you thought about using automation for this? You could have a custom field where you enter the prefix/suffix and then use automation to add it to all the tasks.
Trigger: When Custom Field Changes
Trigger: Change name
Options are available to change the whole name, add a prefix, or add a suffix
Hi Pietro Poli, agree with Lynn re: automation, but you could potentially solve this with the following:
Apply rule to tasks = given folder
Trigger = date is approaching or overdue (note, for active items only)
Then do this = Change name, Add Suffix
This will only work if your tasks meet the conditions of being active and have a due date assigned
But then it doesn't actually require any direct edits via a location change or Custom Field change? So could be a low effort solution. Could always enable/disable the automation rule as you require
Thanks Jess Cuddy,
is not exactly like I want to achieve because I need to do this operation during blueprint setup.
Thank you for posting your suggestion Pietro Poli and thanks everyone for your suggestions. I'll share this post with our team now 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hello Pietro Poli,
Did you ever find a workable solution to this? I face the same challenge of having 30+ tasks in a project which i have as a template and i woudld like to rename them or do a global edit/replace on keywords in the task title.
Hi Jack Utley,
yes, I resolved by copy all task title in text editor (like Notepad++) make updates and then paste title in Wrike.
Thank you for your reply Pietro Poli, Does Wrike let you past over multiple task titles in table view or were you doing them one by one? I am hoping it is the first option :-)
yes Jack Utley!
You can paste multiple task titles in table view
Thank you Pietro Poli this changes everything! Awesome and simple.