Edit multiple task title in table view

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I often have to make multiple changes to a task list to add a prefix or add text to the end of tasks.

For example, I have editorial plans for our clients consisting of 20 activities and it often happens that I have to add information on the language in which to write the article as it can change from client to client.

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4

I wish I could easily add {ITA} to all the titles in one go:

Article 1 {ITA}
Article 2 {ITA}
Article 3 {ITA}
Article 4 {ITA}

When it comes to a few tasks it's easy, but just yesterday I had to rename about 120 tasks 😅

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Have you thought about using automation for this? You could have a custom field where you enter the prefix/suffix and then use automation to add it to all the tasks.

Trigger: When Custom Field Changes

Trigger: Change name

Options are available to change the whole name, add a prefix, or add a suffix



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Hi Pietro Poli, agree with Lynn re: automation, but you could potentially solve this with the following:

Apply rule to tasks = given folder

Trigger = date is approaching or overdue (note, for active items only)

Then do this = Change name, Add Suffix

This will only work if your tasks meet the conditions of being active and have a due date assigned

But then it doesn't actually require any direct edits via a location change or Custom Field change? So could be a low effort solution. Could always enable/disable the automation rule as you require 

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Thanks Jess Cuddy,
is not exactly like I want to achieve because I need to do this operation during blueprint setup.

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Thank you for posting your suggestion Pietro Poli and thanks everyone for your suggestions. I'll share this post with our team now 👍

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Hello Pietro Poli,

Did you ever find a workable solution to this?  I face the same challenge of having 30+ tasks in a project which i have as a template and i woudld like to rename them or do a global edit/replace on keywords in the task title.

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Hi Jack Utley,
yes, I resolved by copy all task title in text editor (like Notepad++) make updates and then paste title in Wrike.

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Thank you for your reply Pietro Poli, Does Wrike let you past over multiple task titles in table view or were you doing them one by one?  I am hoping it is the first option :-)

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yes Jack Utley!
You can paste multiple task titles in table view

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Thank you Pietro Poli this changes everything! Awesome and simple.

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