Expand / Collapse folders in left navigation
Our folder structure in the left navigation menu in the workspace, contains may folders and subfolders. It would be super convenient to be able to expand or collapse all with one click.
Meshelle Loos SYKES
Meshelle Loos SYKES
Agreed. We have LOTS of folders and projects within them. Scrolling up to close all of them in the left navigation bar is distracting. Wrike - Can you fix this? UpVote!
Hey guys, great idea, thanks for sharing so we can share with the Product Team 👍
Absolutely a big yes from me. I’ve been suggesting this for over a year. It’s the major drawback of the system and makes using the dashboard frustrating and slow. The button would need to be at the top near the search bar so it doesn’t disappear when a lot open. It could also be an option via mouse right click in that area.
Agreed. We would definitely appreciate being able to collapse the folder structure instead of collapsing individual folders and sub-folders. Up-voted.
I have been asking for this for YEARS! I don't understand why it's not a simple thing to do...As the owner of a software development company, it still baffles me. It's VERY time consuming to have to go and open dozens of subfolders every time it resets to collapsed.
As well, why can't we expand all comments in a task string as opposed to having to click "more updates" over and over and over again?! This is such basic stuff and while I love Wrike for forging ahead to add awesome and complex features, the fact that some of the most fundamental functions have been ignored is frustrating...
Yes please! What would be best for me is if the app would just leave the folders in the state that I last used them - either open or closed. I've got so many projects that its time consuming to collapse the ones I don't need at the moment. This is also true for folders in the Gannt chart view.
Another upvote... we're in the deployment process now, and having to manually expand every folder/subfolder to ensure we've got consistency is quite tedious.
Giving this one a big up-vote! Definitely would be helpful to be able and collapse-all so you can look at the top level folders in the folder tree.
Another upvote. We are finding it frustrating to have to keep collapsing individual Space and folders from our pre-existing structure every time someone refreshes the page.
@Tania Hi, thanks for bumping this thread! I think it's a great idea 🙂
It's not on the Product roadmap at the moment; please 👍 the idea - the more votes it gets, the more likely it is that the Product team will consider it. Please check out this post for info on Product Feedback Statuses.
Happy posting!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I would like the expansion settings to be SAVEABLE. I dont want to open all my folders or close them with individual clicks - we have too many! i just want to have a couple of them open at a certain time and Id like to be able to save those settings so i dont have to close a hundred folders every time to see the ones i want. This is something that any basic user would find irritating and quite frankly the fact that there are people that recommended changes more than two years ago appears to show that WRIKE isnt being very responsive when it comes to the feedback. Its taken almost two years to even put this on the "product roadmap"? That's pretty poor considering the first feedback on this issue came at the beginning of 2018! There are now a number of programs that do what WRIKE does so they certainly aren't indispensable as a product.
Please add feature! We have over 700 users and over 10K folders and projects. This would be a huge time saver and help with load times.
Weighing in on support with this--when will this be happening???
Hi everyone! 🙂
You might have seen that our team are working on a new navigation experience in Wrike: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043211254--From-Wrike-Updated-Navigation-Experience-Exclusive-Testing
So I'd say the team are researching this!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I'm new in Wrike and I already can't wait to see this feature rolled out.
Hi Tarek Almagbaly! Welcome to the Community.
The team are currently researching this suggestion, which means they are looking into this suggestion's feasibility to be implemented. You can read more about what the statuses in the Product Feedback section mean here.
Took them 3 years to look into this. So, in 3 to 5 more years we can expect a "collapse all" option.
+1 from me as well, such a simple thing that would save so much time for us!
Please make this happen! Just a simple collapse-all button, no expand all required. Looks like another common issue from 2017 that still isn't implemented.
Thank you for supporting the suggestion here, everyone! I'll let you know once I have an update from the team!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback with us here!
I would like to share a quick update on this Product Feedback request. It's now possible to show/hide by clicking on the categories. If you hover over a category with your mouse you'll be able to see these options.
I'm also happy to share that we've released an update that enables your pinned items to be available in the Hamburger menu in the New Wrike Experience. This section can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the title 'Pinned' in the Hamburger menu.
In the coming weeks, an update to expand your pinned folders and projects with sub-folders/sub-projects in the Hamburger menu will be available. Please check out our Community post to find out more about the recent improvements.
Please let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏻♀️
Hi Cansu, thank you for the update, but I'm not sure how this is helpful or relevant to this topic. We have a navigation bar that we use to navigate between folders, projects, tasks, so why would I open a secondary menu, taking up more space on my screen, to access my folders? The simple ask here is to be able to easily collapse/expand in the navigation bar, I would think. (Not that it's simple to code/build).

Hi Ryan A, welcome to the Community! 👋
I understand that the above update doesn't cover exactly what is suggested here, but it's still related to the navigation and that's why Cansu posted this update here 😊
There's no update at the moment for expanding/collapsing folders & projects with one click. Please check out this post for more info on how the Product Feedback forum works. In short, we do pass all feedback to the Product team, and once the suggestion reaches the 60 votes threshold, we add a Product status to it. The vote count really helps the team understand the popularity of an idea, so please upvote if you haven't yet 👍
Please let me know if I can help you with anything else!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks for the response Lisa. I do want to add that I didn't mean to be rude. After re-reading, I feel it may have come off that way.
Also, I am enjoying using Wrike. I REALLY like the folder structure, as I can add multiple layers of non-tasks, and it's more intuitive, since that's how Windows/Mac are structured.
Not at all Ryan A, I just wanted to give a little context to Cansu's update in relation to navigation 😊 Thank you for your feedback, I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying using Wrike 🤗
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Has there been any update on this? This feature would be extremely helpful.
Hi Sam Salazar, may I ask if you've had the chance to try our new sidebar? This functionality is now possible using the new release! You can find out more information about the new sidebar and how to enable it here.