Categories for Time Tracking

As of today, admins can create time tracking categories. People who are tracking time can then use the categories to specify what they spent time on. It's up to each admin (with help from their teammates!) to decide which categories to add. Let us know what categories you're adding to your Workspace. 

Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

Anna G Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online

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15 commentaires


Were did I suppose can see this feature?  Table, Timelog?  i mean, like a report


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Hi Daniel, good question 🙂

When an account admin enables “Categories for Time Tracking” in Labs a new version of the Timelog View becomes available to all Users. Your account admin can also create new categories in their Account Management under 'Timelog' tab.

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In this view I can't see the category I add, that was "Entregable" and what are the differences with the "new version ot the Timleog" that you mention? 


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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Daniel, we'll work on a post to go over the differences between the old and new Timelog. For now, can you click on "New Timelog", you should be able to see your categories there?

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I'm embarrassed because in my picture I clearly see a "new timelog" tab... sorry :(

Yes, Stephanie, I can see there the categories. Thanks ;)

Finally, the post is a good thing but, do you have a place (here) where you post the differences between the old and new stuff?



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Stephanie Westbrook

@Daniel You definitely shouldn't be, I had to be told that the new Timelog was there as well. We don't have a place right now, but as soon as I do, I'll share it with you. 

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We're just seeing the new timelog categories feature -- you ask how we're using it but we will probably turn it off because we have built our task folder structure to capture the time categories of the work we do, and it adds an extra click to tracking time.  Also, we have a number of different teams using Wrike and each has different categories, it could get very busy and confusing without some central control.  I take it someone was asking for this feature?

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This feature gets us close to tracking standard time categories across our team's projects. Two features that would make it more helpful would be to define/filter time categories by team and to default a time category for a task so the user doesn't have to enter it every time. We have several departments using Wrike and our categories would be different, so something along the lines of what we can do with custom fields would be super helpful and avoid scrolling through a long list each time. Also, allowing us to default a time category to a task would prevent people from having to select the category every time they post time to that task, avoiding the extra click.  

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Paul I understand having a system already in place. Right now only admins can create new categories (no one wants things to get messy!). In terms of having teams ask for a feature - yes, there are teams who rely on time tracking and working to improve functionality for them or for teams who need certain functionality to be able to start using it. 

@Lynn The team is eager for feedback, so thank you for sharing those ideas!

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Thanks for considering our feedback! Taking the original suggestion one step further, it would also be awesome to have the task default time categories copied when duplicating one of our projects/templates (similar to how it works with custom fields). 

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Being able to define a default category by folder would be great!

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We have multiple time categories that we use: Client, Bill by the Hour, Sales, Marketing, Overhead. 90% of our time logs go to "Client." It would be helpful if we could set a "Default" category so we don't need to manually add it each time (unless we are overriding it to one of the other four). Or, set the default at the project level. This would be hugely helpful!!!

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It looks like a couple of people already mentioned this, but I'd love to be able to set a default time category for certain tasks and then have that copied over when I copy the template. It would really help standardize our time tracking by reducing user error in selecting what category they think the time falls under.

Another thing that would be nice to have would be allowing users to set a default category for when they track time. For example, our project template might have planned out exporting, data analysis, and training session with our clients, but each user will be adding in their ad hoc conversations and phone call.

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Good Afternoon,

Our team could really use categorization by project. We use Wrike for ticketing purposes but also other PM tasks and the clients' agreements can have different categorizations of billing based on their contract that other clients may not have.

Is this planned or accessible that I am overlooking?


Philippe R Collin III

Director of Support Services

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We are using two classes' categories for time tracking in other system.

I'm studying whether we can migrate this time tracking function to Wrike.

The reason why we are using two classes' categories are it that we prevent users having to search the long list for finding the categories.

Of course, it will be no problem if we can use the hierarchical category, but we can also use Custom Fields as an alternative way,

if we can add it to the report and can export it to Excel.

Please consider such function, too.

Thank you.

Akira IT manager

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Folllowing List for Post: Categories for Time Tracking
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]

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