[Status: Not planned] Project/Folder Dependencies


Something that I would be useful would be the ability to assign project/folder dependencies. Example:

Project: SQL Server Update

Folder: Reporting Rework (Depends upon completion of entire SQL Server Update project)

Task: Create XYZ report (Depends upon completion of SQL Server Update as a whole)

I hope that makes sense, basically just taking Dependencies and expanding them so they can be on projects/folder and also so that an assigned dependency can point to a Project/Folder.



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116 commentaires

Add my vote to this request.


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Stephanie Westbrook

@Denise Thanks for the comment here! If you haven't already, you can click the "+" icon under Colby's post to add your vote. 🙌

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YES YES YES YES. This allows me to be able to create some amazing Templates with dependencies between sub-projects as well.

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Please add this :-D


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YES Please add this, i need it

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Yes, this feature is absolutely needed


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Does anyone have a good workaround for the time being?  (Rather than just attaching the dependency to the task with the latest date)

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Hi Wrike Team, 

Do we have an update on this? It seems as though it would be extremely helpful to the Wrike community.


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Hi @everyone, for now I can't share any updates on this one with you, but more +1s and comments here will help understand popularity of this suggestion. I'll refer other users with similar suggestions here and get back to you when I have news 🤝

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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yes please this would be extremely helpful


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Yes, yes, yes! Please add this functionality! We urgently need this as so many projects and tasks have dependencies (multi-project / programme management). 

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This would also be very helpful for us! Please add this functionality!

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The possibility of estableshing dependencies among projects is an indispensable functionality for our work. For example, if one of them is delayed, the other ones will be reprogrammed automatically. The operation would be similar to the tasks, but with projects. Thank you.

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This would be amazing!  We run a busy operations team with so many project dependencies it's impossible to manage them in Wrike.  We currently export them to Excel/Lucidchart to manage and display them for planning cycles.  We would have to redo the whole process every time a project schedule changes or a new project is added - which is almost every day.  In reality we only run this process quarterly which leaves us with growing schedule risk as the quarter progresses.

Another workaround we've considered but not yet tested is to have a "planning task" on every project that is tied to the first and last task in the project.  We then add all these tasks to a "planning project" where we get a representation of how all the projects fit together.  While this would probably work, it introduces a lot of overhead manually creating and managing these tasks for projects that are only loosely planned and having to monitor the real project start/end dates to ensure they are in sync.

Project dependencies would be an easy solution that solves all of these issues. (Note that by "easy" I mean easy for us users - I'm sure it's a much bigger lift for the team at Wrike!)

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Hey @Everyone, thank you for your continued support for this suggestion. I can surely see how this can be helpful in some cases. For now, this feature is not planned by our Product team; I'll get back to you here if that ever changes.

@Joe special thanks to you for the workarounds you've provided, I'm sure they will be beneficial to the Community 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Want to add a +1 to this, also that projects could be dependent on tasks, for example a research task needs to be completed before a project that is planned out and written already with tasks, timeline, etc. can be started.

Thanks guys and hoping this moves to the roadmap shortly, could really use it!

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YES. It's hard to believe this isn't already possible, but I just spent 20 minutes trying and searching to no avail, finally finding this post. A task is such a small unit, it makes little sense that this is the only level at which you can have dependencies. 

Really, this feature should be part of a larger ability to LINK any item to another item. The relationships between those items could be dependencies as described here, but could also be 'follow on' projects that are created later but want to reference back to an older project. Yes, I know we can copy and paste links within a description area, but that's more time consuming (must repeat to have a link in both places), and far harder to find.

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I'm surprised and disappointed this isn't a feature. It's been in other similar planning tools as far as I can remember.  Please add my vote.

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@Ellen Nunes, very glad to get that commentary, agree 100% and glad you've flagged up both linking to tasks/projects/folders (you should be able to link from any of those to any of the other, not just task/task) as well as follow-on tasks, which essentially will be handled with this functionality.

I have come over from Jira and this is a feature I sorely miss.  Agreed, you can copy and paste so both tasks/projects reference each other, but this is very laborious and it would be great if Wrike had a field that would show these on its own, and auto pick-up the reciprocal relationship.

One thought that could potentially be a way to solve this is to expand the current dependency field to simply have another type of "relationship" between the tasks that's not "has to wait for..." since the dependencies in Wrike already include a sort of linking.  

There is a good example of this with ClickUp where they are, according to this link, planning to simply expand dependencies to include a simple link. 


I agree with what's suggested here that the initial types of links should be these basic ones:

- duplicates

- causes

- is caused by

- discovered during testing

Also since this is a big feature for me I wanted to mention the article already talking about it here:  https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115003384329-Feature-Request-Automatically-add-task-references-to-comment-stream-of-referenced-tasks

Hoping you guys can make this happen, with all the flexibility of Wrike, such as ability to have Projects/Folders accept custom fields, and Projects to have their own status, it's an big missing piece that a project wouldn't be able to be dependent on a task, or vice versa.

Thanks guys!


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Please add me to the list requesting the feature to allow Projects be dependent on one another. 

I was brought onto my team with the specific request to figure out how to make Projects dependent of one another.  I fail to see the benefit of suggesting to use a workaround when posts in this thread have made it clear that the action can happen.  I hope the Wrike Product Team updates their ongoing action plan to incorporate this requested solution in the near future (i.e. before 2019 end).

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yes please this would be helpful!!!

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Project dependencies would be a huge win for my team.  +1 from me

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Would be nice!

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This feature is part of Jira and is extremely helpful. Please add!


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This is basically the main feature I see missing in deciding to use Wrike.

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Hey everyone!

As this post has reached 60 upvotes we'll be able to give a Product Status on this suggestion soon. We should have one by next month, so be sure to stay tuned and to follow the article!

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Hi again, everyone! I've checked with the team, and currently, this suggestion is not planned. I'll make sure to let you know when/if that changes!

Thank you so much for the feedback! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This feature would be extremely beneficial. Projects and Folders can easily be dependant on one another just as tasks are. 

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I am missing this feature so much! It is hassle to set up a project form start without adding dependencies between projects!

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