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👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos
4 commentaires

I would like to schedule our construction crew. Where for example there is Person A, B, C working on a Task that is a 5 day duration.

Person A works days 1,2

Person B works days 2 & 5

Person C works all 5 days

I would like to move the men around from task to task or to partial tasks similar to above

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Huzefa, thanks for your post. It's an interesting one.

The best solution here is to create subtasks for each day. This way you can set the details work needed to be done that day in the description and schedule the tasks in the sequence you've described, while also assigning who you need to work on which day.

Using your use case, take a look at the below GIF where each subtask represents the 5 days work for the 'Construction Crew Work' parent task.

In the example:
Melanie is Person A
Ben is Person B
Irene is Person C

You can also assign one person, perhaps Person C, to the parent task so they can update the status of the overall project to 'Complete' when all the subtasks are complete.

Let me know what you think of this approach and if you have any questions.



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Thanks for your effort i appreciate it. However its solution is rather cumbersome, its too much time to create sub tasks for every day. Also the work is schedule by task or project not by day. For example how can i move person a from project X to project Y on the same day.

Also each of these workers can’t be users as they dont use wrike.

Very similarly we want to be able to schedule equipment and move it around.

Take a look at

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Huzefa, thanks for getting back to me. So from I can see you're looking to do three things:

1. Assign tasks to non-Wrike users.
2. Move people from one task (project) to another depending on a condition (e.g. time).
3. Schedule Equipment across tasks.

Please let me know if I've misunderstood any of the above. It would also be great to know who will have visibility of this Project, considering the persons mentions above do not need access. This will just help me understand your use case a little better.

1. Let's start with assigning non-Wrike users. The best approach is to add these users as Collaborators. You can add unlimited Collaborators and they'll have access to Folders/Project/tasks you choose to share with them. If it's a case where these people are simply 'notional' in your project, then you could add 'dummy users' as Collaborators. You can do this by using alternative email addresses for each new user, or this Lifehack on how to create dummy email addresses from your own Gmail account. You would then use these 'dummy' email addresses to add new users as Collaborators to your account and all corresponding emails for these dummy users will be directed to your email address.

2. Once you've added your Collaborators, use can auto-assign users depending on task status. This will allow you to assign people(s) to tasks when the task enters a status on a Workflow that you've pre-defined.

3. I may need a little information here on how this will work in your project. From my understanding, you want to know where your equipment is during certain stages of the project. Automation of this is not possible. However, for now, using Custom Fields may work for you. You can use checkbox Custom Fields with the equipment's names, so you can update where and when the equipment is being used. Note, checking these Custom Fields is a manual process if it's moving from one task to another.

Thanks for sharing this interesting approach! Please review the above and let me know your thoughts 🙂

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