[Status: Launched ๐] Configuration: Change time from Military to Standard
Could you change the setting of the time stamp from Military to Standard?
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Could you change the setting of the time stamp from Military to Standard?
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Valerie, thanks for this idea! This isn't something on our current roadmap, but I've heard this request before and I'll make sure to direct users who support this idea here so they could add their votes to it.ย
Thanks Anastasia!
This is definitely a needed feature.
Would love this feature.ย
Yes, most needed. Thanks!
Agreed. I don't want to have to do subtraction to figure out how recent or old something is.
Has this been addressed yet?
I concur, please add an option to change from military time to standard time.ย
This feature added ASAP would make my workflow a lot more efficient.
yes pronto please
Seriously. I can't believe this isn't an option.
YES. Much Needed. Please and thank you.
Checking in on the status of this potential change. ย It would be nice to have the option of standard or military time. ย Thank you! ย
I don't want to be a jerk, but this is kind a of a basic function. Please allow two options for viewing time--standard and military. Thanks!
Hi all, thanks for your input here, it really helps the ongoing internal discussions about this feature. I have no updates at the moment. As soon as I do I'll be sure to post them here. Thanks!
Though a minor change at a glance this would be a huge benefit for our team!
Please add this feature, it would help greatly. Thank you!
Yes, please! This would be very helpful!
yes this would be much better
I agree as well, a little surprised it's not a setting.ย
I agree!ย ย The business world works on standard time. I'm surprised this isn't a setting option.ย
Seems like a pretty simple fix. Please add! Military time is just another thing I have to think through which isn't helpful
Pleaseย don't force users to use military time! Allow users to choose which time works best for them and their workflow.
Hi all, our Product Team is aware of the feedback shared in this thread. I have no concrete information to share at the moment. If and when we have more information, we'll be sure to update you here. Thanks again for your continued votes and input! ๐
can someone explain what Military and Standard in this context means by way of examples?
Standard is subjective depending on where you are in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country
We have a strong preference to retain the ISO8601 standard as that's what's used for most information interchange applications.
Hi Jamie! In context of this thread, military time falls under the standard you mention, and is how time is displayed in Wrike at the moment (for example, 17:20 instead of 5:20 PM). There's no option to set it to something other than th24-hourur format at the moment, and that's what this request is about. Does this help clarify things a bit?ย
Any movement on this request?
Hi Whitney, thanks for bumping this post. Our Product Team is aware of the feedback and votes on this thread. I have no further information to share, onceย I do, this will be the first thread to beย provided with an updated so feel free to follow it by clicking the follow button above ๐
This would be very helpful. Really surprised it's not an option already. We never use military time. Thanks!
I vote for this update as well. You allow us to select our time zones in our accounts. Why not add the option of selecting a 12-hour or 24-hour time format?
I'm trying to figure out why this is such a difficult thing for the Wrike team to put into place. As the owner of a Web development company, we adjust output for time for users on a regular basis. This is not difficult at all.
This is a no-brainer and shouldn't take more than what, 1-2 hours to implement? Even if it took 4-6 hours somehow...this should be pushed through the updates quickly. :)