How to mass edit projects progress metrics all at once

I'm trying to find a way to mass edit the projects metrics for progress, because when we mass-enable project progress, the progress calculation is automatically set to the Tasks and duration average metric for all projects. The thing is: my projects are all set to this metric but i want to change all for the completed tasks metric. I have more than 100 projects to change 😬
Any thoughts?

Thank you all!

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1 commentaire
Lisa K.

Hi Nucleo De Engenharia, when the project progress for the projects is enabled in bulk from the Table view, the calculation is always automatically set to the "Tasks and duration average" metric, and it is possible to switch to a different metric only manually from the project info panel. The operation should be performed on each project individually. 

I understand that it would be great to have more control over editing Progress Progress calculation, and I asked our Community specialists to move your post to the Product Feedback section of the Community where other members can upvote it and provide their use cases. Once the idea reaches 60 votes, we'll add a Product Status there. Let us know if you have any additional questions or ideas🙌

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