Task Square Blocking out my Dates? !

Is this a glitch it is this something here to stay? This morning there was an added square that literally does nothing. Unless I have task names pulled all the way over it block out the dates! 

As a Green Belt member I know that I am not the only person that this will completely mess with their work flow. 

Below are two photos where it shows how far over I have to go to see my dates! Ps black boxes to block out company info 

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Hi Robert Reiss, thank you for sharing your feedback here, the icon represents the Custom Item Types when using the List View.

Custom item types can be assigned their own icon when created and this icon is visible beside the item name in some places, like the context creation menu or the header of the item view to easily identify them.

I'll pass on your feedback to our team, and we'll be sure to let you know if there are any changes👍🏼

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