[Status: Launched! 🚀] Utilizing Pre-fix's on Tasks = [Prefix] Task Name

I want to utilize the prefix when creating tasks, like what currently exists when you duplicate a project . So it would look like:

[Prefix] Task Name

I also want to specify multiple prefixes, preferably as many as a I want.

[Prefix1][Prefix2] Task Name


Upvote 71
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Комментариев: 14

Hello Brianna LaBarge, thank you for submitting this suggestion! I can see it already got a certain amount of support from the Community, looking at the upvotes 🙂 I'm passing on your feedback to the Product Team now! 


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi! Is there an update on this product feature request? I am also looking to add a prefix to my request-form/generated-from-blueprint tasks.

Actions upon submission: Create New Task
Question: Drop-down. Selected Option: Nevada
If this option is selected, Replace task: Blueprint Task A.

Would love to have the option add a prefix to the Blueprint task. "Nevada Blueprint Task A" For Example.



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Welcome to the Community Lori Freeman, and thank you for supporting this suggestion!

Our Product Feedback forum works based on the voting system, so please upvote the suggestion above if you haven't yet. The votes help the team understand the popularity of an idea. For now, I don't have an update from the Product team, but once this post reaches the 60 upvotes threshold, we'll be adding a status here 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Over 60 upvotes on this thread, will it be assigned a status?

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Hi everyone, I'm checking with the team to assign a status here, we'll be back with an update as soon as possible🙋🏻‍♀️

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Hi all! I'm happy to share that the team is planning to implement this feature soon therefore I'm updating the status as "Coming Soon" here! We'll be sharing more information as we have more updates from our Product team🙋🏻‍♀️

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Can't wait for the ability to add a prefix to task blueprints.

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Thank you for adding your support here Eric Sayasene!

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@... Just to confirm, is this upcoming feature going to give us the option to add a prefix to a task blueprint's subtasks, like we have the option to do with a project blueprint? (See screenshot attached for visual reference.) Our Agile Marketing team had a Retro yesterday and this was the #1 "dark matter" cause for the team, with repeatable tasks being the biggest culprit. 

For example, a few people on the team are involved in a YouTube live show every other Friday. We use a blueprint, so the subtasks have the exact same name every time. But let's say our copywriter is on vacation and can't write the description until a week later, she's going to see two tasks on her to-do list (technically subtasks) that have the same name. So she would have to click to see which one is which week's episode. If we could easily add a prefix to all subtasks when we launch a task Blueprint (which we use ALLLLLLL the time) this would solve this issue for SOOOOO many people on the team because they would all be able to quickly visualize exactly what their subtask is contributing to. Manually adding task prefixes is something I tried, but it's not sustainable... I just don't have that kind of time in my schedule. :(


Current Project Blueprint prefix option that would be insanely helpful on TASK Blueprints! 🙌

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Hi Daisy Hibbard, thanks for sharing your detailed use case and example here! We're going to pass this on to the Product team and come back to you when we have an update 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию

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Hi Daisy Hibbard, that's exactly the feature update we will have soon! 

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OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! This is gonna be a game changer for making subtasks more understandable at a glance!

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Great to hear that Daisy Hibbard

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Hi everyone, happy to share that this feature is now launched🎉

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