Set up task to start 30 days after another task

I'm trying to set up a template that has multiple tasks in it. "Task 2" needs to start 30 days after "Task 1" is completed. However, "Task 1" is variable and the date moves based on what happens before it. Is there a way to set the date for "Task 2" to be a variable like "Task 1 +30days". If not what would be the best way to accomplish this. 

Thank you

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Hi Mark,

Easy to do.

1st you need to setup your template project.

2nd put all tasks for your template into the project, (putting them in order of completion would help but not needed) assign dates that are close together so that they will appear on the Gantt Chart, and if the tasks are always assigned to the same people assign the tasks in the template. 

3rd open your Gantt Chart.

4th Assign dependencies for each task. For example, Task 2 cannot start till Task one is complete. Hover over your first task in the chart, you will then notice a small bulls eye appear on the front and back of the task. Click on the one at the back and drag it to the front end of the next task.

Add all dependencies as you need to all tasks, here is a link that will help figure out how to work with the dependencies.

5th, now move your tasks to put the amount of time between each task that you need. In your example, you said you want 30 days between the first two tasks. Double click on the start date, and select the date that you wish to have. In the photos since Task one is July 16, 30 days would be August 15. I have also added dependencies to task 3 and 4. This allows then that your other tasks will move in accordance with the dates set out by the tasks that come before it. 

Once you have set all the tasks to the date space that you need, you will want to mark all of these tasks a deferred task so that they do not show up in reports and such.

Now your template is set up.

To copy the template you can either do a request form, which is way cool, or you can simply right click on your template and duplicate the task.

When duplicating the task you want to copy everything that you have and set a new start date.

Once you have everything selected and filled out correctly you will then hit duplicate. 

When you click on the newly created project, you will see the new dates updated based on the specifications that you put into your template.  

Hope that helps.



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On a quick side note as well, you also want to add people you want future projects to be shared with to the template as well so that when a new project is created from the template all those people will now have the newly created project shared with them.

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Wow - awesome post Ryan 🙌

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Thank you.

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A related problem that I often encounter is the need to start Task 2 30 days after Task 1 has started. When Task 1 is longer than 30 days, this means the task durations will overlap.

Is there a way to make Task 2 start 30 days after Task 1 has started, given an arbitrary Task 1 duration of 90 days, without creating an additional "helper task"?

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Hi Keith,

You will want to still use dependancies, and you will want to use a start start (SS) dependancy plus 30 days. 

For example you have two tasks setup in the Gantt Chart. In my example Task one is set to start on May 14 and will last 90 days taking me to September 16.

Now you will want to set up a dependancie using the Predecessor column in the Gantt Chart. For task two put in the Predecssor Column 2SS+30d. The 2 in this field refers to the line in that Gantt Chart. Use the number that is appropriate for where your task 1 is. 

Once you hit enter you will notice the dates will update automatically. 

Now you will have the second task when duplicated start 30 days after the 1st task. 


Hope that helps.


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Amazing! Extremely fast and to-the-point response. Much Appreciated, Ryan.

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Hello Ryan,

It was very helpful. Thanks for that. 
I was wondering if it's also possible the other way around. 
If the date of task 2 changes, that the date of task 1 also changes (which should be 10 days earlier then task 2)

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Leonie Everts

Yes and no. So if you keep that task 2 is dependent on task 1 then there is no dependency of how task 1 reacts one task 2 changes. However, if you build the dependency the other way for example Task 1 has a SS dependency - 10 days then as you change task 2 task 1 will change automatically. If you use this second example, then as you move task 1 it will not move task 2 automatically.

To summarize the task changes automatically with its dependency, the task that is the dependency will not effect those tasks that are dependent on it.

Hope that helps.


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