Forms and Custom Fields

I understand there is a way to map responses within forms to drop down custom field menus but there doesn't seem to be the same thing for custom field check boxes. Are there plans to implement in the future, or is there some limitation in doing so?


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I'm guessing check boxes haven't been included because check boxes in custom fields and request forms behave differently. In custom fields, check boxes essentially hold boolean values (does the field apply or not?), while check boxes in request forms allow for multiple values selected. To include them in request forms, Wrike would have to resolve this difference and store multiple values in one field, which is slightly more involved.

That said, I would also like to have check boxes mapped from request forms to custom fields. Is this on Wrike road map at any point in the future?

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Hi Margo, I may be missing something but if the field is mapped to the individual variable of that custom field, doesn't the boolean nature still apply? In my mind the default value of an individual variable or custom field checkbox being "false".

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Hi Andrew,

You're right, each check box is a boolean. Say, however, you wanted to allow users to check multiple options in a request form:

You could store these responses in separate custom fields, but that would look clunky. One way Microsoft Access navigates this (multivalued fields) is by storing the values in a hidden table, then mapping those back to the field. Does that clarify things?

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Hi Margo,

Thanks for the tip. Alas, Wrike is not Microsoft Access. So in the meantime I will take clunky.



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